Book III-Chapter 105, Learning to Live Joyously Despite Nonsense

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Bella's POV

Kendra opened the door as the 4 piled out of the SUV and headed into the warmth of the house. After having spent almost 2 weeks in the tropical Key West climate, the Detroit cold felt unusually bitter. Prince had brought in two of their bags, but had returned to the outside to help Security get the rest indoors as they also had their own to worry with. Bella and Elaine had brought in two of the lighter weight bags as well. They took off their coats and hung them in the mud room and found themselves being herded into the Family room where David had a fire blazing. He also had Grand Marnier and Coffee or Grand Marnier straight up neat in warmed Chrystal Brandy snifters to take the chill off of the four and their Security Team. Bella and Elaine hugged Bella's mom and Prince and Carlos took their bags to their rooms. When they returned, each of them made their choice of the two warm beverages and toasted to their safe arrival home and a lovely beginning of the holiday season with the attendance of Mid-night Mass tomorrow evening. After the toast, Prince excused himself to call Christian. Bella asked her mom if any boxes had come from California and was told yes they had. Some were addressed to Bella, others to Elaine. They shared some of the pictures they had taken on their trip...and a large number of them were of Roger, Barry, Ray Jr. and Anna Elizabeth. Kendra thought they were the cutest and really enjoyed hearing some of the antics of little Roger. By midnight, the 4 and their Security team had started to feel the need for sleep. There was a lot to do tomorrow; they had to unpack, wash clothes, check their performance outfits, check all of the Christmas gifts they had shipped from California and they needed to card the charges for the gifts that were coming from Schwartz's Jewelry Store and determine the time they would be delivered. They also needed to be ready for Mass. They would leave home at about 11:00 PM and as was their tradition, worship and have breakfast right after, in the Church Fellowship hall. They would return and open presents. Christmas was on Monday and they would relax with family, but would rehearse on Tuesday at The Stork Club. They would be on a plane on Wednesday Morning as they would be playing in New York on Wednesday night. They would play Philly on Thursday, Detroit on Friday at The Stork and New Years Eve would be brought in by the Royal Prince and the World Changers in his and Carlos' hometown of Chicago, Illinois.

The band would be arriving on Tuesday at 10:00 AM in Detroit in time to set up for their 2:00 PM rehearsal. They would all head over to Kendra's for a buffet supper afterwards which would be provided by Antoine and The Stork Club and they would be on the way to the airport by 9:00 AM on Wednesday as their flight was at 10:00 AM. The sound check was at 3:00 PM. They were performing at The Town Hall, an elegant performance space on West 43rd St. between 6th and Broadway in Midtown Manhattan and would stay at The West House on W. 55th. Relatively speaking they had put this series of play dates together at the last minute...actually, Gretchen Johansen, Andy's new assistant who had been hired to handle Prince's engagements and activities had put them together and she had really scored in getting them into 4 and 5 star hotels during the holidays. That included all of the band which Prince had told her was a must do. She had also gotten the rooms at ridiculously low rates. She was a Native New Yorker of Norwegian descent and knew her business. She was also pretty in a Nordic sort of way. She had the skills to create a great future with the Arabella Companies, but she had eyes for the Royal Prince and did not care that he was engaged. He was on his way to becoming one of the wealthiest men in music, if not America. She was, in her mind, in a great position...that being the position to bag him as her husband and she knew exactly how she would do it. She had no intention of working all her life...and plus he was sexy as hell and not hard to look at, at all!

and plus he was sexy as hell and not hard to look at, at all!

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