Book III-Chapter 94, Signs and Wonders, Red Carpet Walk-Los Angeles Part 1

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Signs and Wonders, Red Carpet Walk-Los Angeles Part 1

Prince's POV

Prince and Bella had arrived back at her parents home with the rest of the family at about 1:00 AM. They were all very excited. The movie looked like it would be a huge hit and their performance was expected to keep the album at the top of the charts on several of their songs and the most incredible thing was those were the outcomes with just one of their two premiers having happened. The West Coast Premier would happen on the coming Saturday. They would return to LA on Thursday afternoon. The performers and their parents would be in attendance this time. The grands were heading back to Southfield and Atlanta on Thursday also. There was great pride being expressed in the four by their families, but Prince interrupted their comments to say that there were many other people that had helped in creating their success. He shared the extreme contributions made by Andy from giving him his first major gig at The Stork some 5 years before and for guiding him through getting a recording contract that was favorable to him with Arista. He wanted to also remind them of David's role in getting the book Another Chance to become a reality without which none of the wonderful things they had experienced tonight would have ever happened. He, of course, wanted to credit his sweet Bella for writing the book! He needed to remind them of Christian's flexibility in dealing with their desires and concerns. He wanted to acknowledge Elaine's hard work on the screenplay that they had seen tonight, and Carlos's amazing talent and love in helping with the band and calling him out when needed. He wanted to also acknowledge the fact that without Alejandro's guidance on what being a good man really was as his sponsor in Promise Keepers, he would have been just another cat with some musical talent who had no clue as to where that talent really came from and what honoring his Creator through it really meant. And his foundation of love for God, for music, for his fellow man came from his two first friends, his loving mother Savannah and his wonderful father Royal. Without that he would not be fit to be Bella's husband or Carlos's friend or the beloved adult son to his amazing parents. Without the simple love of his granny and grams and grandpa, he would not have understood the importance of generational family and would therefore not have made some of the solid choices he did. They were his examples of who he wanted to be when he looked forward and he was very, very grateful. As these thoughts came from his lips, his eyes filled with tears. He was remembering his last life and how none of those things had been true for him and therefore what a mess he had made of everything other than the music. The music was the beginning of it all, but it was not all...he knew this time around that there were many other things that were important..."family being the most important of all", he said as the tears found their way down his cheeks. Bella moved to him immediately and pulled him into a hug and was followed by his mother and his two grandmothers. His dad and Alejandro moved to him also putting their hands on his shoulders along with David and Andy who did the same. Each of them was saying thank you for his kind words in their own way as well as comforting him, but they were doing it as they always had through a display of love. Prince regained his composure and said I love you to them all and then moved to Carlos and Elaine and hugged each of them and without saying another word took Bella's hand and led her to their room. They undressed in silence. Words were not needed to express what they felt. Their gratitude was palpable. Once they had hung up their outfits after getting into their pajamas, Prince pulled the covers back and picked up his Bella and placed her in the bed. He laid down next to her, pulled up the covers and pulled her close and proceeded to just hold her for several minutes. He then said, "something changed tonight Bella, I don't know quite what, but something changed". "I know baby", she said. We will know what when we are supposed to know. He nodded as she laid her head on his shoulder. " I love you Bella". "I love you more", Bella said as he kissed her on her forehead. They fell asleep moments later.

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