Book II-Chapter 13, Creation Song Preparation

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Creation song Preparation

Prince's POV

When Prince arrived at Jesus's cottage, Jesus was standing at the end of the walkway to his house looking at the ground. When Prince approached Jesus said, "isn't it amazing how every creature made by the Creator goes about its business being what it is"? He directed Prince's attention to a caterpillar he was watching moving from the walkway to the grass. "The caterpillar is not trying to be a dog or a worm or anything else other than what he is. He does so without additional instructions other than those that were programmed into him at the time of his creation". "How are you this morning Prince" Jesus asked? "I am doing very well, surprisingly so", Prince answered. "Well let's walk and you can tell me all about it" said Jesus. Prince began, "last night was both amazing, frightening and incredibly beautiful as well. Worship was so moving to all including me last night. We were blessed to find the final voice needed to complete the initial Ensemble adding a 2nd Soprano who just happens to be Samuel's twin sister". "Yes", Jesus said. "I saw her last night and she has a wonderful, powerful voice". "After Worship, Bella and I walked back to her cottage. I was feeling the need to burn off some energy due to the intensity of the day...working with the Angels in rehearsal for Creation Song, hearing their language which as you know is mind expanding for me and feeling the Love coming from the Creator truly was amazing, but highly stimulating. On the way to the cottage we came upon a running creek with benches set around it, and I asked Bella to sit with me awhile. Ah yes, Promise Creek said Jesus. My Spirit was so full and I had to share what I was feeling with her". I told her that I could not wait to return to earth and find her and marry her. I told her I wanted to be a faithful and true husband to her more than anything. I shared that I wanted to have as many babies with her as she could handle and how grateful I was to have her in my life. "How did she respond", Jesus asked? She told me that she had longed to hear those words since our brief encounter long ago". "She moves me so Lord. I found myself singing a song called Adore to her that I wrote long ago and rarely sang for years before my transition, because it was so special to me. But it was the only song appropriate for how I feel about her now". "The night to that point was truly amazing. When we got to her place, I kissed her and could not help my self. I wanted her so badly. I got a little carried away and Bella asked me to stop and so I did. She gave me some cold juice which helped me to cool down somewhat, but I knew I was still hot for her so I told her I needed to leave and we agreed to see each other this morning". "

"When I got home I could not rest and I got to that place that is really scary for me. I became frantic and felt like I was losing my mind. I tried everything...playing soft music that sometimes helps to block out the music in my head...but it did not work last night. I then tried reading my Bible until I could no longer read because my eyes were so tired. I got back in the bed but still could not sleep. I got up and was pacing around much like a caged animal. I remembered your words to Trust Bella, but I honestly did not want her to see me like that. But I couldn't take it any more and went to her cottage in the wee hours of the night. "What happened", Jesus asked? "She opened the door and looked so beautiful. I started trying to explain what was going on, but I was crying and I am sure sounded insane. But she put her fingers to my lips in the sign for Shh, took me into the bedroom and had me climb in next to her. She then sang a lullaby to me until I fell asleep. Jesus, she held me all night and when I woke up I felt so much better. I also felt totally loved, maybe for the first time in my entire life". Jesus smiled and said "she really is an amazing woman isn't she"? Prince said, "there are no words to describe just how amazing. I do not remember anyone ever singing me a lullaby before. My mother was a singer and I never remember her doing so or anybody else either. Such a little thing, but it filled me with oh so much love and peace". Prince's eyes filled with tears again as he recalled his feelings while being comforted by Bella. "Prince", Jesus said , "always, always trust her. She was made to be in perfect harmony with you no matter what you are going through...and she will always do her very best to meet your needs and she will always do so out of love". "Lord, I truly love her and I am so grateful that we finally found each other".

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