Book II-Chapter 8, Obedience Is Better than Sacrifice

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Obedience Is Better than Sacrifice

Bella's POV

Bella woke up just in time to ready herself to meet with Mary. Looking over at Prince, she could see how the purity of the man's soul in his sleeping face. He was so beautiful, so strong and yet at the same time so fragile. She knew how tired and frustrated he was earlier today and she also knew that one of the best things for that was exactly what he was doing now; resting...both his body and that amazing mind of his. She got up, went into the bathroom and washed her face, brushed her teeth and then went into the sitting room to touch up her make-up at the little vanity. When she was done, she quietly moved back into the bedroom and saw that Prince was laying just as he had when she had first awoken. She leaned down and kissed him on his forehead and with a smile started to head to Mary's . Before she could take so much as one step out of the room she head Prince's deep voice, deeper than normal with sleep say, "Mama, you know you can't get out of bed without giving me at least 5 kisses". His gorgeous, amber colored eyes had been closed when he had begun this thought, but were wide open now. She giggled and laying back down beside him gave him 2 butterfly kisses on his forehead, 1 on each cheek and then an amazingly passionate one on his enticing full lips that left him looking dazed when she was done. She had cheated and had her tongue press against his lips as though seeking permission to enter his beautiful mouth. He had let her enter and he was feeling the delight of her having kissed in that way even still. Masking her thoughts she chuckled to her self and said ha! Two can play at that game my sweet. She shared with him, "dinner is prepared if you get hungry". You will just need to boil the pasta and heat the bread. I am going next door to meet with Mary and will be back in about an hour. " No", he said, "I would rather wait and eat with you". " back soon baby", she said and stepped outside and knocked on Mary's door.

Mary answered the door and they embraced. Sitting down she said she had just made tea and asked if Bella would like some. The teapot was there on the coffee table on a tray with both honey and sugar and teaspoons for stirring. Bella thanked her and put a little honey in hers. Mary asked her about her day and her Prince and she told her about how Prince and rushed to leave last night because he had become highly aroused while kissing her and was concerned about maintaining his control. She shared how he had not turned up this morning as he normally did and so she had asked the Lord for direction on whether she should stay and let him show up when he wished, or if she should go to him. The Holy Spirit had allowed her to see Prince and how depressed and weary he was. Apparently he had not slept hardly at all. She had gone to him and made breakfast for him and he had opened up to her a little and told her of his hypersexual response to the stimuli of the Universe. She was glad that she had observed what it did to him as she now understood more about what had been written about his not sleeping and playing music all night and other such things during his most recent earthly lifetime. He was trying to burn off energy and yet because he was receiving messaging from the Universe whenever he played or rehearsed, more of the hyper energy was building. They would need to attack this differently if they and Prince individually ever hoped for a life with any semblance of normalcy. They were able to live any way they wanted in terms of waking and sleeping hours for now but, Prince wanted children and that would be a horse of a differentl color. Whatever changes that needed to be reprogramed into his consciousness needed to start now, not in a new incarnation after children were born. She would continually seek guidance from the Lord until they found a workable solution to this matter as it was a driver in so many other of his issues. Bella also shared how he had returned from his Walk with Jesus still sexually heated but more in control than last night and that he had asked her to hold him after sharing there were no rules against them doing that. Mary agreed that there were none. Bella said that he was considerate in that he laid down with her but fully clothed and they had held each other and napped. He was exhausted from being up all night and somehow her presence helped him to rest. Mary listened with great interest. She asked if Bella had any concerns that Prince might have taken advantage of the situation when she let him lay down with her today. She told her honestly no she did not. She believed him when he had told her this morning that he was willing to forego sex until they could have it with the Creator's blessing to have no consequences to them being together. She felt they were both more afraid of not passing their tests and having to live through another lifetime without each other than going without the sex for now and until they met and were bound on earth. Mary wanted to know which of them had been the first to express that as they talked today. Bella said Prince had with great pride in her voice. Bella knew how hard this was for him, but she also knew what a determined soul he was when he really believed something was that important. So while she would exercise good judgment, she trusted that he was being sincere. Mary was seeing great depth in this woman that had been made for Prince. She knew in her spirit that she was the right woman to entrust his care to.

Mary asked Bella if she had thought about how she was going to tell Prince about her Vow to the Lord. Bella said that she had. Mary said before you share your thoughts with me, I need to say that it is the wish of the Creator that he not be told this until you meet in the new incarnation. Bella said she did not understand. Why would she be instructed not to tell him that until they returned to the earth? Mary said that the Creator had some things that he wanted Prince to work through independently without that information. Although, that really did not make things any clearer as to why, she understood the what. She was not to discuss this with Prince and she acknowledged the same to Mary. She told Mary that she had decided that when the time came, she was going to tell Prince she had made a vow to the Lord to be pleasing to the Triune God and to her future husband. She wanted him to know that she had said that she would go to the marriage bed her husband provided as a Virgin. She wanted him to know that she saw what she was doing as a gift to him as she wanted her husband to be not only her first but her only lover in life and she wanted to marry for life. Doing it that way allowed her to give the man that chose her and that she also chose another gift as well, that might even be greater than the gift of Virginity itself. "What might that be, " Mary asked? The gift of the certainty that he can trust me. Prince more than many men was very aware of the pressure and manipulation that men used to get woman to give them sex. Some men even made a game out of how many Virginal women they could get to surrender their Virginity to them. That kind of emotional pressure, when a woman cared for a man could be brutal. If Bella was able to get through all of that in tact, she felt that to any man much less one as smart as Prince it would be clear that she was indeed trustworthy. Because of his history, she felt that would be an especially meaningful gift to him.

Mary was very pleased with the way that Bella had decided to do this. Her admiration for her nurturing skills and her huge emotional intelligence continued to grow. She felt comfortable that Bella would be able to move forward with Prince and handle him a loving but appropriate way in this area and with this man that was critical. She had kept those thoughts to herself, but did say that she was very pleased with the thoughtful way she was preparing to deliver this message. She would be able to clearly and lovingly articulate the terms of their courting relationship. Tomorrow, she wanted to begin to role-play some 'what if' scenarios that were designed to give Bella greater confidence and to perfect her skill in managing Prince's hypersexual pressure and meltdowns. He would not mean to, Mary truly believed, but there would be times when due to his very nature, he would make things difficult. Bella had to be able to fend off those types of behaviors but remain in loving character. He was still too fragile to handle what he would perceive as hostile rejection. Mary said that she was not going to reveal exactly what circumstances she would use, but she wanted Bella to come prepared to address a variety of things that could happen with how she would deal with them. Mary thanked Bella for her hard work and said that she was very proud of her progress. She asked what she was doing before Worship and Bella said that she had made Prince's favorite meal, spaghetti with red sauce from scratch she would be serving his dinner. Mary smiled and said she would see her at worship.

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