Another Chance-Book III, Chapter 21, Return to The Largo

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Return to the Largo

Princes POV

When the news hit about the trouble at the Largo, Prince and Carlos had received phone calls constantly to the point of disruption. They had called their parents of course as had Bella and Elaine to assure them that they were safe, but they had turned off the phones after that due to the constant ringing. Two days later after completing the police interviews and getting some much needed rest, they turned their phones back on.

Prince awakened after a wonderful night of lovemaking with Bella and rolled over to look at her. She was already up though, and he could smell the familiar smell of fresh coffee wafting through the air from the kitchen. He got up, turned on his phone and went into the bathroom to make his morning water. He washed his hands put on a robe and was on his way into the kitchen when the phone rang. It was Christian. "This is Royal", he said answering the phone. "Good morning Royal. This is Christian. I have been calling you since the yesterday. Are you okay"? Royal felt badly that in all of the confusion and chaos, he had forgotten to give Christian a call and told him so. After apologizing he told him that they were all fine, and had completed their interviews with the police yesterday and had reached the limits of their emotional energy and had crashed for the rest of the day. They were just getting up now he said. Christian wanted to remind him of the meetings with MTV and BET that were to take place on Thursday and Friday respectively at his office. If Royal wanted to postpone, that was perfectly understandable and he could do so he was sure. Prince said that gave then another day after today to rest and so he thought they could keep that timeline. Royal asked if there had been any thought given to when they would reschedule the aborted concert as they needed to allow time to notify the public and determine what channels would be used to do so. Christian said he would have his assistant contact the Pan Hellenic Council right away regarding dates and then confirm availability of the venue and get back to him. He would reserve rehearsal space once the dates were known. Royal thanked him and said he would look forward to his call. As he was talking to Christian, he had walked into the kitchen and saw Bella cutting up fresh fruit to make a fruit medley and had given her a peck on the cheek. Now off the phone, he encircled her waist with his arms and said "good morning sweet Bella". "Good morning my Prince. Are you ready for coffee", she asked? He smiled one of his crooked smiles and said "only if I can't talk you into doing another round of heavenly coitus". She laughed and said, "even the great lover The Royal Prince needed nourishment to keep up such a legendary sex life, and so she would take a rain check for an hour or two". Prince laughed out loud and said deal. She poured him a cup of coffee, and he dressed it as she finished the fruit medley. I thought we would have either hot cereal or poached eggs. Do you have a preference? "Cream of Wheat" he asked? "Yes I can do that" she said, putting the water on to boil for the cereal.

Carlos wandered into the kitchen also wearing his robe and smiled and said "good morning. I thought I smelled coffee". He poured himself a cup and sat down at the table across from Prince. They were all a little hungry having gotten up and polished off what was left of the salad entree last night and gone straight back to bed. Bella buttered some Stone Wheat bread and turned on the oven after putting the bread on a cookie sheet. She would make the oven toast when the cereal was almost done. She added a little salt to the water and waited for it to return to a boil as she poured the right measure of Cream of Wheat into a glass measuring cup for 12 servings...somebody would want seconds she was sure. Pouring the Cream of Wheat into the boiling water slowly, she stirred it continuously and then turned it down on medium low to cook. With all of that done, she finally poured a cup of coffee for herself and dressed it and sat down for a minute as she took her first sip. Elaine came into the kitchen in her pajamas and a robe and picked up the wood spoon and stirred the Cream of Wheat and then poured herself a cup of coffee. "Good morning"she said. "Good morning" they answered in unison. Bella got up and popped the toast into the oven. She then went into the living room and saw that Frank and Larry were up and dressed and working on something on two different laptops. Melvin was in the bedroom helping Phil get ready to leave for Detroit this morning. "Coffee is ready" she said "and breakfast will be in about 5 minutes". Elaine had pulled the toast out of the oven and set the table for all of them including the body guards who joined them within a few minutes. Bella filled their bowls with the hot cereal made sure the butter, sugar, brown sugar and milk was on the table to dress it with...put the fruit medley in individual bowls at each place and sat down so that they could join hands and since Phil was leaving, they asked him to say grace. "Father, thank you that we woke up this morning with our minds right and our bodies functioning. Thank you for keeping us all safe through the ordeal of the last few days. Please keep your angels on guard of your precious musical gifts to the world, Prince and Carlos and their lovely mates, Bella and Elaine and please thank the Arch-Angel Michael for his protection. In Jesus name, Amen". When Phil said that about Michael, Prince's eyes almost popped out of his head. They ate with all but Prince chatting quietly. He watched Phil closely wondering what it was exactly he knew. When they finished the meal, the girls started to clean up and Phil went back into the bedroom to gather his belongings and take them to the car. Prince said let me help you with that. He followed him into the guestroom and asked "what did you mean by what you said about Michael the Arch-Angel". "I am a lifelong Catholic and I heard him when he arrived the other night", Phil said. "I think there was another Angel with him. I heard the whoosh of their wings when they arrived and when they left. I did not see them though. Michael has always been my protector even when I was in the Green Beret. I recognize the sound of his wings, I have only seen him once though, years ago when I was serving in the Middle East". Prince gave Phil a hug and said "he is my protector too. Phil thank you for everything you have done for me, for Bella and my friends. If I can ever do anything for you, do not hesitate to ask". Phil smiled and said "well when you are big time famous, which I know you will be and I ask you for tickets to a concert"...Prince cut him off and said "you have my number, and you always will. Call me and I will bring you to a concert anywhere in the world where I am charge for anything". They embraced again and Prince helped Phil out to the car with his things. Melvin took him to the airport and would be picking up his replacement Ross soon. He would stay there waiting for Ross's flight rather than make another trip.

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