chapted 72: busan beaches

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Despite still being traumatised by the memories of being bullied, Yoojung, no matter how unbelievable it may be, had forgiven Seungyeon for all she had done. In fact, the confrontation may have opened some old wounds that she has tried to ignore in the past, but talking it out and sharing it with Jimin was like applying appointment on the wounds, allowing them to heal faster than before. Then, the scars would form, and the scar would take even longer to heal, but we'll save that story for another day.

A few days later, after the accident, Yoojung and Jimin had taken a train all the way to Busan to meet Jimin's parents. Jimin's parents fell in love at first sight with Yoojung and ignored Jimin as a result, so it was now fair and square. After a nice catch-up with their parents, Jimin brought Yoojung to the nearby beach for a walk.

The air was fresh and the sand was fine and smooth. They took off their slippers, held hands and walked in the sand barefooted.

"Yoojung-ah." Jimin stopped in his tracks all of a sudden.

"Yeah, oppa?" Yoojung stopped as well, glancing back at Jimin, who was standing right next to her under the setting sun.

"Don't you think... all that had happened all these months has made us closer?"

"Mm... yeah." Yoojung said, after thinking for a while. "I've faced by insecurities and shared my dark past with you, how about you?"

"Well..." Jimin thought hard. "I feel like I've learnt how to be a better boyfriend."

Yoojung laughed.

"Don't laugh, I'm serious." Jimin said, but he laughed along as well. He couldn't help it since Yoojung had tied up her hair in two braids that day and he had a major soft spot for hair-braided Yoojung. "You need attention, and in the past I thought I gave you a lot of attention, but I learnt that I was often not there for you at your lowest."

Yoojung smiled. "I'm glad you finally realised this."

"But... why didn't you ever bring it up?"

"Well..." Yoojung played with the sand with her feet, watching as the soft sand move around her feet as if they were liquid. "Doesn't it sound a little narcissistic to say something like... 'Give me attention, oppa!' when you already give me so much?"

"Come on, now." Jimin laughed first, this time. "I realised from this whole incident that we haven't been the most honest with each other! You and Minhyun, you and Seungyeon, now you wanting attention..."

"Hey! Don't put it that way!" Yoojung smacked Jimin in the shoulder playfully but let out a chuckle. "You make it sound like you're such an angel."

"I've kept my fair share of secrets too." Jimin smiled cheekily.

"Don't look at me like that." Yoojung eyed Jimin carefully. "You have something to confess, don't you?"

"Don't change the topic." Jimin looked away, avoiding eye contact with Yoojung. "Anyway, as I was saying, from now on, we need to be honest-"

"Yeah, we need to be honest, so tell me your secret." Yoojung insisted.

Jimin thought hard. "Alright, but first promise you won't be upset."

"Okay, fine. What is it?"

"You know, last month when you insisted that you had bought chocolate but couldn't find it in the shopping bags when we got home? Then you accused me of eating your chocolate bar but I said no? Well... in the car I got a bit hungry and... fine, I ate it."

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