chapter 38: a caring man

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Yoojung's eyes lit up and she turned around excitedly. "Jimin-oppa! You're finally here..." Her voice trailed away and her smile disappeared completely when she saw who was standing in front of her. Yoojung's heart sank - it wasn't Jimin.

"Minhyun sunbaenim?"

"Oh, annyeong." Minhyun walked towards her with a huge smile, holding one plastic bag full of things in each hand.

"What... are you doing here?"

Jongin and Taemin exchanged looks, before eyeing Minhyun carefully. Taemin pointed at him and looked at Yoojung. "Someone you know?"

Yoojung nodded slowly.

Minhyun took a seat next to Yoojung, handing her the plastic bags. "These are for you."

Yoojung opened up the plastic bags and looked inside. There were tranquilliser drinks, all types of instant sausages, kimbap triangles and all kinds of convenient store food. Yoojung looked up at Minhyun, looking puzzled. "Why did you get these for me?"

Minhyun smiled. "I always see you visiting the convenience store in school, so I thought you might like all these if you felt hungry. And I thought you might be nervous so I got you the tranquilliser drinks!"

Jongin and Taemin were now watching Minhyun's every move with eagle eyes, looking like they were ready to pounce any second he made a wrong move.

"Thanks, sunbaenim..." Yoojung frowned. "But how did you know about my audition?"

Minhyun laughed. "I heard from your classmates!"

Yoojung eyed Minhyun cautiously. "I don't talk to my classmates, though."

"Um... well... I... errr..." Minhyun laughed awkwardly, as if he was trying to hide something. "News travels fast! Anyway, I heard about it and came... Am I not welcome?"

"It's not that but-"

"Um, I'm sorry but who are you?" Jongin intercepted.

Minhyun turned to look at Jongin and frowned. "Sorry, are you talking to me?"

"No..." Jongin folded his arms, sauntering towards Minhyun, a menacing look spreading across his face. "But if you are laying eyes on my sis-in-law... then yes, we need to talk." He cracked his knuckles, causing Minhyun to retreat.

Taemin rushed forward and held Jongin back, turning him away from Minhyun. "What are you doing!" He whispered to Jongin, before turning back towards Minhyun, with a smile on his face. "Sorry about that, my friend forgot to take his medicine today."

When Taemin and Jongin turned around, Jongin glared at him and whispered into his ear. "What are YOU doing! He's trying to seduce our sis-in-law! We need to fight back!"

"Ya! That's not the way to settle things... We need to watch slowly first... then come up with a plan."

"Well... I guess you're kind of right."

The two of them turn back and see Minhyun still smiling and talking to Yoojung. "So, are you nervous?"

Yoojung smiled. "Slightly?"

"Come to think of it... where's Jimin?" Minhyun asked casually.

Yoojung frowned. It seemed like he wasn't going to come anymore... And now that he didn't have his phone on him... how was she supposed to contact him?

Minhyun didn't wait for Yoojung to reply. "Actually, I didn't really believe it when I first saw it... But I think you might want to see something." Minhyun whipped out his phone and showed Yoojung a photo.

Yoojung looked into the screen and almost passed out from shock.

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