chapter 14: mystery woman

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"So are her cookies better tasting or mine?"

Yoojung and Jimin finally reached the carpark of the ONE MILLION Dance Studio and got out of the car, before Jimin locked the car behind him. Yoojung ran up to him and grabbed his arm, helping him brush away some cookie crumbs from his mouth. Jimin rolled his eyes and looked away, obviously still upset about what Yoojung had done to him in the car.

"I said I'm sorry... oppa!" Yoojung wrapped her short arms around Jimin, sticking close to him and looking up at him with her soft sparkling eyes.

Jimin looked straight into those innocent eyes, but all he could think of was the time Yoojung presented him with pitch black cookies, claiming that they were "hazelnut cookies that were slightly overcooked but still edible". Jimin shivered when he recalled biting into the brick-like "hazelnut cookie" and almost breaking a tooth. As such, he had not choice but to swallow the cookie whole and it literally felt like he had a rock down the back of his throat for a couple of days. Even though seeing Yoojung's blissful smile after that made everything worth it, it still wasn't a very fond memory. Jimin shuddered. "Hers!"

"What?!" Yoojung detached herself from Jimin, pouting her mouth and stomping her feet, before folding her arms across her chest. Even when she was upset, she still looked so adorable. To Jimin, at least.

Jimin gave in finally and pulled her closer to him. "Just kidding, your cooking is always the best in my opinion, alright?"

Yoojung pursed her lips but the corners of her mouth curled up slightly. She was evidently pleased as she wrapped one arm around Jimin's waist. "Let's go, oppa."

The two of them walked into the building and entered the lift, clinging on to each other side-by-side.

"What shall we practise today, oppa? Between my dancing song, 'Fake Love' and singing song, 'Spring Day', which one do you think I need more work on?"

Jimin laughed. Yoojung was such a huge fan of BTS that even for a JYP audition, she refused to choose any songs by JYP artists and only wanted to perform BTS songs. Too bad Big Hit Entertainment, BTS' company, didn't accept female trainees anymore, Jimin thought. If not, Yoojung would have stood a good chance.

Jimin smiled down at Yoojung, planting a kiss on her forehead. "You're already so good at both."

Yoojung punched him playfully in the stomach. "Ya! You cannot keep saying such nice things to me... If not I'll never improve."

Jimin smirked, rubbing the area that Yoojung had just punched. "Fine, I think your singing needs a little more practice. I'll help you with that when we reach the studio later, alright?"

Yoojung beamed at Jimin. What a trusty, supportive boyfriend she had. She turned around to face Jimin, hugging him tightly and burying her face in his warm broad chest. "I love you."

Jimin wrapped his arms around her as well, hugging her tightly. He smiled as he whispered back, "Me too."

DING! At that moment, the lift reached the designated floor and Yoojung removed herself from Jimin's embrace, switching to just holding hands. The door opened and they were just about to walk out, but a tall, slender, young woman stood in front of them. She grinned.

"Annyeonghaseyo, Jimin sunbae-nim."

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