chapter 47: back home

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Tick, tock. Tick, tock.

Jimin sat on the sofa at home, thinking about the day's events. Everything was a mess. It had supposed to be a good day for both Yoojung and Jimin. They even planned to go eat dinner together after her successful audition.

But everything went downhill from there.
First, they had the mini squabble in the car about what time he needed to reach. Then, of all days, Seungyeon had to injure her foot on that day. Coincidentally, he had lost his phone too. On the way to the medical room, someone had to take a photo of him piggybacking her. As a result, Yoojung got mad about the picture and him missing her audition.

Amazing. Jimin let out a sigh and glanced over at the wall clock. Now, it was already 8pm and there was no sign of Yoojung. Jimin wondered if she had lost her way - wait, did she even know how to get home? Come to think of it, Jimin had been fetching her to and fro everywhere...

He froze. He had just left her in the middle of nowhere and not given a second thought about it. Now, he couldn't even contact her because he didn't know where his phone was. Stupid him.

He leapt out of his seat, grabbed his coat and keys and ran towards the door. At that moment, he heard an unlocking sound and the door opened. Jimin smiled. Yoojung must be home.

"Yoojung-ah, did you know how worried I was? I thought you weren't..." Jimin's voice trailed off.

Standing in front of the door was indeed Yoojung, but Jimin's face fell when he saw who was standing next to her. He bit his lip and forced a smile.

"Minhyun haksaeng, what are you doing here this late at night?"

"Sending your girlfriend home, since her boyfriend didn't have the sense to! What are you even thinking, leaving her in the middle of nowhere and coming home by yourself? Are you even a man?" Minhyun glared at Jimin.

"I- I- I-" Jimin wanted to rebut him so bad. He wanted to yell at him, he wanted to tell Minhyun to stay away from Yoojung and explain why he did all that he did. But one look at Yoojung's worn-out, emotionless face made Jimin not know what to do. He stood there, with his mouth open, unable to say a single word of explanation.

Minhyun shook his head, flashing Jimin a disappointed expression. He turned to Yoojung and smiled, gave her a pat on the head and turned to walk away. Jimin was about to bring Yoojung in and close the door, but a few steps away he turned around.


Yoojung turned around to look at Minhyun. Minhyun smiled gently at Yoojung and Jimin had to use every ounce of his willpower to stop himself from going forward and punching him in the face.

"Remember to think about it, alright?"

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