chapter 8: was she flirting?

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"She was evidently trying to flirt with you! Stop being so oblivious!"

Yoojung and Jimin walked out of the restaurant after dinner and Yoojung clearly was not pleased as she stormed into the car and slammed the door behind her. Jimin laughed as he walked briskly towards the car and got into the drivers seat, closing the door behind him.

"What do you mean! She was just trying to be friendly, baby. Don't be so sensitive." Jimin reached for Yoojung's hand on her lap but she moved it away, out of his reach.

"Sensitive? Oh, so I am the one at fault right now, huh?" Yoojung folded her arms and was already starting to raise her voice, indicating that she was getting angry.

"The feeling I got was just niceness, babe! She poured water for me, but she did for you too! She came over twice asking how the food was, but the question was for both of us! Also, she gave both of us candy after the meal. I think she was just being nice though?"

"No, boy, you're so wrong. The pouring of water - didn't you see her looking at you the whole time? I was so afraid she was going to make the cup overflow! And when she asked how the food was, what makes you think she was asking both of us?! She literally had her butt in my face when she asked you how the food was. The candy?! She gave me one miserable piece and literally gave you the entire bowl... you say that's not flirting? Didn't you see her wink and blush a couple of times while talking to you too? Because I sure did!" Yoojung said everything in one whole breath that Jimin didn't even have a chance to interrupt.

Jimin sat there, his mouth hanging open for a couple of minutes. He laughed.

Yoojung frowned. "You still dare to laugh?! I'm being dead serious right now, Park Jimin."

Jimin laughed. "I'm just so grateful to have gotten to know someone who loves me so much that she'll get jealous of every single girl around me." He patted Yoojung's head before she could swat it away. "I still remember you telling me you were jealous of Byulyi noona during the time we lived in Signal House and also the time I went with Suran noona to the beach on the last date. Aigoo, you lil' cutie. I just wanna squish your face."

Jimin grinned at Yoojung but Yoojung did not respond for a short while.

Jimin punched Yoojung playfully in the arm and leaned in towards her. "Yoodaeng? Yoojung? Yoodeung?" Jimin spoke with a cute, aegyo-filled voice. He tugged on Yoojung's sleeve lightly. "Jimin-ie made a teeny weeny mistake this time, so will Queen Yoojung pweese be so kind to forgive Jimin-ie this once?"

Yoojung looked down at Jimin who was looking up at her with those pleading eyes.


She gave in, finally. Not smiling, but definitely not frowning. "You're a grown man and my oppa, how can you talk to me like this?" She finally giggled.

Jimin broke his character too and went back to his usual, manly, romantic self. He gave her a peck on the cheek and smiled at her like she was the only thing in his world. "Anything - and I really mean anything, for you - my queen."

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