chapter 45: heartbroken

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No... no, no, no...

Yoojung ran and ran without stopping. Her thoughts were all over the place and she just wanted to escape. Hot tears dripped down her cheeks and she felt her cheeks feel hot against the back of her hands as she tried to wipe them away.

What was she even running away from? The audition? Her confused feelings? Jimin himself? Or... perhaps, the hard truth that Jimin now loved someone more than her? Yoojung came to a halt finally, after running non-stop for a good five minutes. She turned around - no sign of Jimin.
She didn't know whether to feel disappointed or relieved.

Okay, calm down now, Yoojung. Breathe. Sit down somewhere and take deep breaths. That was always what her best friend Doyeon told her when she had massive anxiety attacks. It didn't happen very often, but often enough for her best friend of many years to know about it.

Yoojung's eyes darted around her surroundings. Ah, steps. They belonged to a cafe, but Yoojung sat down anyway. She didn't know where to begin. So many random thoughts were floating around in her head, so she just buried her face into her hands and sat there, listening to the pipe-in music from the cafe.

"Yoojung? Are you alright?"

Yoojung suddenly heard footsteps and someone call her name, but the last thing Yoojung wanted at that moment was someone to talk to. Yoojung wanted to be alone. She wanted time by herself so she could make out the situation, organise her thoughts and think hard about what to do next. Yet, she heard an unmistakably familiar voice.

She didn't even bother to look up to confirm who the person was. She didn't even care if she was being rude or if she would hurt the person's feelings. She stood up and tried to walk away, but the person grabbed her by her wrist, forcing her to sit down and also sitting next to her on the small steps. The stairway was narrow, so they were sitting so close that their arms touched slightly.

Yoojung hated herself at that moment. She didn't know which was worse - the fact that she didn't know what was going on yet was forced to talk to someone about it or the fact that she was going to potentially pour out her heart to someone she hadn't known for long with make-up smudged all over her face.

She spent minutes sitting there, staring at her shoes, replaying what had happened since the morning over and over again in her head. Oddly enough, she expected the person to stand up and leave, or press her to say something, but he didn't. He just sat there, waiting for her to catch her breath.

Yoojung didn't understand why he would even bother, but somehow his presence made her feel calm, and her tears dried pretty quickly. Finally, she mustered up the courage to turn her head and look up into his round black eyes.

"I'm sorry about that, Minhyun-sunbae."

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