chapter 40: the mystery couple

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"Do you think he's Jimin? Because he really looks like..."

Yoojung ripped the phone out of Minhyun's hands and scrutinised the photo he had just showed her. The photo was a back view of a man, of roughly about Jimin's height, piggybacking a girl with long flowy hair. The man had blonde hair, just like Jimin did. He was around Jimin's height too. But no, Jimin went out wearing a black t-shirt this morning, but the man in the picture was wearing white.

She showed the phone to Taemin and Jongin, who were standing nearby - really near by. "Taemin- oppa, Jongin-oppa, do you guys think that the man in this photo is Jimin-oppa?"

Jongin took the phone from Yoojung's hands, scrutinising it carefully with Taemin. "The figure, the height, even the hair colour... everything screams Jimin though. Who's he carrying though..." Jongin winked at Yoojung. "Is that you when you had long hair, Yoojung?"

Taemin's eyes widened and he smacked Jongin in the mouth, really hard.

Jongin's hands flew to his mouth, due to the pain. He glared at Taemin. "Ya! Hyung! Why did you do that!"

"The girl is evidently not Yoojung... look at the dressing! Yoojung doesn't dress like that!" Taemin scolded.

"What! Then who's Jimin piggybacking!"
"What are you saying, you pabo-ya!" Taemin snatched the phone from Jongin's hands and returned it to Yoojung. "If the girl's not Yoojung then the guy is obviously not Jimin! Don't worry, Yoojung! Ignore Jongin and trust oppa - Jimin's not that kind of guy."

"Right?" Yoojung laughed, letting out a sigh of relief. She handed the phone back to Minhyun and looked him in the eye. "That's not Jimin-oppa. Definitely not." She smiled. "They must just be just another happy couple." Despite saying all that, Yoojung felt a weird sensation in her stomach. He shouldn't be Jimin... not when he was piggybacking another girl around like that... "Anyway... where did you even get the photo from?"

Minhyun smiled. "I just knew that wasn't him! I guess it just looked like him. It was taken in school too, so I thought..."

DING! Minhyun's phone notification went off again and he looked down, before tapping on the message on the screen. His face immediately stiffened and he looked at Yoojung with his eyes twice their normal size.

Yoojung laughed. "What's wrong now, sunbaenim?"

Minhyun didn't say anything but handed Yoojung the phone instead.

Yoojung's smile disappeared at once. The photo on the screen was that of the same "couple" as earlier, just that it was now the front view. Yoojung's face fell - it was indeed Jimin. Yoojung's eyes darted towards the girl, who had her arms slung around Jimin's neck and a happy expression on her face. The long wavy hair, the slim petite frame, those familiar features. Yoojung could not believe her eyes. Han... Seung... Yeon...

"Choi Yoojung-ssi, please enter. It's your turn for the JYP audition."

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