chapter 31: a changed person

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"Oh- Yoojung-ah, annyeong!"

After settling Seungyeon down in one of the rooms in ONE MILLION STUDIO, Yoojung went down to look for Taemin and Jongin at the usual studio Jimin, Taemin and Jongin shared. They saw her and greeted her enthusiastically, but all Yoojung could manage was a small wave and slight smile. She was still deep in thought.

These few years of agony and pain... was it finally over? All this while, she thought she was the only one in pain... but now she found out Seungyeon was so full of sadness as well. Yoojung sighed. Why didn't Seungyeon come and approach her earlier? If only they had reconciled a while earlier, it would have been the end of suffering for both of them. Well, at least it was over now...

Yoojung smiled. She had really made the right decision. Forgiveness itself was difficult, but the peace in her heart that ensued really made it worth it. Now, all she needed to do was to decide whether to tell Jimin. Seungyeon was a fan of Jimin's and Jimin seemed really happy receiving the cookies... Now that she had reconciled with Seungyeon, maybe it was no longer necess-

"Yoojung?" Taemin waved a hand in front of Yoojung's face and Yoojung jumped. Taemin laughed. "You alright there?"

Yoojung smiled. "I'm fine, thanks oppa."

Jongin laughed. "We're doing this specially for you because you're Jimin's girlfriend! We won't do such things for anyone else."

Yoojung smiled. But suddenly, she recalled what Seungyeon had said - Taemin and Jongin had told her about her being hospitalised. "Oppa-deul."

"Yeah?" Taemin said, glancing at Yoojung before taking a huge bite of his energy bar.

"Before we start, can I ask you guys something?"

"Sure," Jongin replied nonchalantly, connecting his phone to the stereo but pressing the pause button.

Yoojung bit on her lower lip, not sure whether to continue. "Just ask ahead," Taemin smiled at Yoojung warmly.

"Well... do you guys know Seungyeon?"

"Of course we do!" Jongin exclaimed. "Han Seungyeon - new to the school. She's pretty, has a good figure and probably the best potential amongst all the newbies. She's really popular, so almost everyone here knows her."

"Well, except Jimin-ie. He doesn't care about anyone except you," Taemin added, smiling at Yoojung cheekily.

Yoojung smiled, feeling oddly satisfied with what Taemin had said. But what Jongin had said - about her being popular... Indeed, she was popular wherever she went. Meanwhile, Yoojung never was popular. In middle school, she was always overshadowed by Seungyeon; in high school, she was treated like an outcast; in university, everyone treated her like she was invisible... until she had entered the Signal House. Yoojung couldn't help but feel a slight pang of jealousy towards Seungyeon.

"What about her personality?" Yoojung asked carefully.

Taemin put down his energy bar and put both his thumbs up. "The best. She's friendly, respectful towards her sunbaes and treats everyone well."
Yoojung smiled. Looks like she had really changed for the better.

"But... why are you asking us all these?" Jongin asked suspiciously.

Yoojung grinned, thinking for a while before answering.

"Han Seungyeon... she's my friend."

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