chapter 59: rejections

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Yoojung's head turned immediately towards Jimin.

How did he know.

"You acted so weird that night," Jimin said, as if reading her thoughts, barely glancing at her. "I mean, he asked you to think about something... I just thought-"

"Yeah, you're right - he confessed."

An awkward silence fell over the car, and only the revving of the engine could be heard.

"So?" Jimin finally spoke, after what felt too Yoojung like an eternity.

"What do you think? I'm gonna dump you and run off with some random guy who confessed to me?"

A smile played at Jimin's lips at Yoojung's reference to Minhyun as a "random guy".

"You're not?"


In that moment, Yoojung decided to be honest. Hiding things from Jimin never worked out anyway. And to keep secrets in a relationship... that was unhealthy, as what her mom had once told her.

"I was indeed shaken." Yoojung proceeded with caution, watching Jimin's facial expressions carefully. "You know, the day he confessed."

Jimin pursed his lips, but nodded slowly, signalling for her to carry on.

"You know that day I saw the photos of you and Seungyeon, the day of the audition? After I ran off, he found me. Under the sun, while we were sitting so close, I felt my heart race. And when he sent me home that night, and confessed in the car, I really had no idea what to do."

Yoojung stopped for a while to catch her breath. Jimin seemed fine - Yoojung saw his grip on the steering wheel tighten slightly, but nothing more, and nothing less.

"But after pondering about it this whole time, I learnt so much more about myself and what my true feelings were."

Jimin looked at her for a few seconds with his curious eyes, before turning back to look at the road.

"He's simply a nice sunbae. He was there for me when you weren't, and because he provided support for me when you weren't there, I was kind of moved. But that's it, there's really nothing more. The one I like is you, oppa, you already know that."

Jimin pursed his lips, trying not to smile.

"Just... like?"

Yoojung blushed slightly.

"You know what I mean."

"So... you're gonna reject him, aren't you?"

Yoojung smiled, grabbing Jimin's free hand that was resting on the arm of his seat and intertwining her fingers with his.

"If only you do the same with Seungyeon."

Seungyeon. Han Seungyeon.

Jimin was taken by surprise by the sudden mention of her name. So many things had happened in the past two days that he had almost forgotten about Seungyeon.

"She didn't confess though," he said quietly.

"Yeah, but... I think you know what she wants, don't you?"

"Well... yeah. I guess I should make it clear." Jimin said, glancing over at Yoojung.

Yoojung's eyes met his and she smiled.

Everything was finally going back to normal.

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