chapter 58: spilling secrets

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"Alright, now spill."

Jimin and Yoojung hit the road later that afternoon, once Jimin had totally sobered up, Yoojung's parents had bade them farewell (Jimin, their favourite, in particular) and loaded their car with banchans for the week.

Yoojung was taken aback by Jimin's sudden question, turning her head to look at him with a look of utter confusion on her face.

"Spill what? What do I need to confess?"

Jimin was silent for a while. The car carried on cruising on the bumpy road.

"You know what I mean, Yoojung." He said quietly.

He looked really serious, and that made Yoojung kind of afraid. When people who aren't usually serious look serious, they must be talking about something really, really... serious.

"I don't, though?"

And she really didn't. What was there for her to confess? Her audition? School? That she stole a sausage from his plate when he wasn't looking at dinner last month? What?

Oh, that.

Yoojung suddenly realised what he was talking about.

No wonder he looked so serious.

She faked a smile, and tried to change the topic.

"Okay, fine. I stole 20 000 won from your wallet last week. I'm sorry, I really needed to-"

"Wait, you stole 20 000 won from my wallet last week?"

Yes, her plan was going well.

"Uh, well, you see- you can't blame me! I ran out of cash and desperately needed to get some food since there was no food at home. Oh, by the way! We need to stop by the grocery store later, we've run out of... oh, let me just whip out my grocery list for a bit-"

Yoojung fumbled around in her bag for a while, searching for a non-existent grocery list.

"Really, Yoojung?"

Yoojung looked up from her bag and was relieved to see that Jimin's facial expressions had softened a lot. He seemed like he was trying not to smile.

"You really gonna try changing the topic to groceries which I just got the day before?"

"Well..." Yoojung pursed her lips and let out a sheepish smile. "It was worth the try."

"Hwang Minhyun." The name slipped out of Jimin's mouth easier than he had expected. His head remained turned towards the front, but his eyes darted to the side, giving Yoojung a quick glance. "What's up with you two."

Yoojung let out a nervous laugh, but immediately after that, she regretted it because absolutely nothing at all about the situation right now was funny.

"Nothing! Well, he's a sunbae who watched us on Heart Signal and recognised me in class," Yoojung said, lying through her teeth, obviously skipping the whole confession part. "He's been really helpful!"

Too helpful, Jimin thought, recalling all the incidents that man was right next to Yoojung when he wasn't. He bit his lower lip.

"There's more to that, isn't it."

"What? No..." Yoojung laughed nervously again, before she could stop herself. "What else could there be?"

"You know, today isn't the first day I met you, Yoojung. I know when you're lying - you always start giving that signature nervous laugh of yours."

"I don't know what you're talking about," The whole atmosphere was serious, but Yoojung still let out a small awkward laugh.

Dammit, Yoojung.

"Well, I do." Jimin spoke slowly, his eyes still concentrating on the road right in front of him.

"That rude guy confessed, didn't he?"

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