chapter 11: the fanmade gift

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"Jimin saem!"

Jimin turned around to see Seungyeon standing in front of him, her body bowed at a 90 degree angle and her holding up a bag of cookies in front of his face. The first class he had conducted had just finished and everyone had left. Jimin was on his phone texting Yoojung and was surprised to see that Seungyeon still had not left.

"Oh-? What's this?"

Seungyeon glanced up slightly at Jimin before bowing again. "Saem! This is the cookies I specially baked for you last night! Please accept my gift!"

Jimin pursed his lips. Seeing how Yoojung acted the night before with the waitress, Jimin knew that accepting such a gift from another girl would definitely make her mad. He took a step back and let out an awkward laugh. "Thank you for your kind thoughts but, I don't think I can accept this."

Seungyeon stood up straight and frowned at Jimin. "Why, saem?"

Jimin laughed awkwardly.

Seungyeon eyed him carefully. "Because of Yoojung?"

Jimin bit his lower lip and nodded slowly.

Seungyeon frowned again. "So, because of Yoojung, saem is going to ignore the effort I put in to bake them?" Seungyeon took a step forward and thrusted the bag of cookies into Jimin's hands. "Please, saem. You can just eat them without letting Yoojung know. I really put in a lot of effort..." Her voice traced off and she looked at Jimin with her brown puppy-like eyes.

Jimin, being the soft-hearted person he was, gave in. He took the cookies from Seungyeon and smiled. "Alright then, I'll enjoy it well. Thank you, Seungyeon haksaeng."

Seungyeon smiled up at him. "Just call me Seungyeon-ie from now."

Jimin laughed nervously. "Oh... um, I think Seungyeon haksaeng would still be more professional. We're still in a school setting after all!"

Seungyeon frowned.

Jimin hastily added on, "Instead, if I see you at the ONE MILLION Dance Studio in the future, I'll call you by your name... Han Seungyeon." Jimin smiled.

Seungyeon beamed contentedly. "Does it mean that if I see saem there, I can call saem Jimin sunbae-nim instead?"

Jimin was evidently taken aback by Seungyeon's straight-forwardness. "What?"

Seungyeon repeated herself, "Can I call saem Jimin sunbae-nim when I see saem outside school?"

Jimin hesitated. "I don't think that'll be very..."

Seungyeon didn't wait for his reply as she made her way towards the exit. "I'll make sure to call you Jimin sunbae-nim next time! Bye, saem!"

Jimin smiled as he watched Seungyeon walked out of the studio. What a friendly student... To think that she was so nervous in front of him just yesterday. He shook those thoughts out of his head and stared at the cookies in his hands.

"I'd better keep this well before Yoojung arrives," he said his thoughts out loud. He walked towards his bag placed at the front of the class, before he heard a familiar voice coming from behind him.

"Jimin oppa, what is it that you're holding?"

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