chapter 66: rain, rain, go away

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"Yoojung, please-"

Yoojung turned around, and despite being in the rain, Jimin could tell from the redness in her eyes that she had cried. He remained his grip on her wrist, not wanting to let go, from the fear that if he did, she would run away again.

"Yoojung, please listen to me. I really can explain what went on back there. I was just about to ask her-" Jimin paused, taken aback by the fact that Yoojung was not saying anything. "Are you alright? You look awfully pale, Yoojung."

Yoojung nodded.

"Don't be like that!" Jimin shouted, over the aound of the pouring rain. "Can you please say something? Like even if you don't wanna say anything... just hit me or something! You being this quiet... it's scaring me."

"I'm fine." Yoojung spoke with such lifelessness in her voice Jimin got even more worried.

"No, Yoojung. You're not fine. I mean-" Jimin finally let go of Yoojung's wrist and cupped her face with his hands. "I mean, you can't be fine. Just look at how pale you are."

"Like I said, I'm fine." Yoojung said again, a tinge of anger building up in her voice. "I'm fine, oppa."

But the mention of the word "oppa" scared Jimin even more. She had just witnessed him kissing Seungyeon... why wasn't she shouting and hitting him? Pushing him and running away? All these things would be way less scary than keeping silent.

"Baby, please- Please, just let it out. I know you can't be fine after seeing me and-" Jimin stopped himself just in time. "-after seeing what you saw. I mean, I would totally understand if you're angry. I mean, I would be, too, if I saw what you saw. I mean, what I'm saying is-"

"I SAID I'M FINE!" Yoojung finally exploded, as she screamed at the top of her lungs.

A moment of silence fell between the two, as the rain continued to pour around them.

"Okay, now you're definitely not." Jimin grabbed Yoojung's hands in his. "Let's talk it out now."

"But I don't wanna." Yoojung said quietly, pushing away Jimin's hands.

"Please-" Jimin pleaded with her.

"Oppa, I really have no mood-"

"Choi Yoojung!" Jimin shouted, before he could stop himself, his eyes welling up with hot tears as well. He frowned. "Wait, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to shout. It's just that, I want to resolve this issue once and for all."

"What issue is there? I just saw the two of you smooching... what can we do about it?"

"No, Yoojung-" Jimin grabbed on to Yoojung's hands once more. "The issue is way bigger than this issue, Yoojung. It's about you always running away-"

"Oh, so it's my fault now, isn't it?" Yoojung felt defensive all of a sudden, though deep in her heart she knew he was kind of right.

"Wait, no- I mean, yes, but no. Listen to me to the end. It's about you running away and me not always being there for you. This is a wake-up call for us, Yoojung. This whole thing with Seungyeon and Minhyun. And it's time for us to resolve it once and for all. Alright?"

Yoojung pursed her lips, looking at the rain-soaked floor.

"Alright?" Jimin repeated once more, bending down and craning his head to meet Yoojung's eyes.

Yoojung with her lips still pursed, slowly but surely looked up into Jimin's eyes, and nodded.

Jimin smiled at Yoojung, taking her small hand in his.

"We'll get through this, together."

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