chapter 52: dinner with the chois

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"Yeobo! Can you set the table? I still need to finish cooking and wash the dishes after dinner!" Yoojung's mom shouted from the kitchen.

"No- I'll set the table, you finish cooking, then we can wash the dishes together." Yoojung's dad replied from the dining table.

"Wasn't that what-"

"No, you didn't say we were going to wash the dishes together but I want to wash the dishes together..."

Jimin and Yoojung walked into the open door of the house hand-in-hand a while later, only to hear this adorable conversation unfold in front of them. They turned to each other and giggled.

Yoojung's dad finally realised they were standing there and as his eyes darted towards their interlocked fingers, his eyes seemed to glimmer slightly before he flashed his usual handsome smile at them. "Come!" He motioned to the young couple to join him at the dining table. "Come, Jimin-ie. Sit here!"

He moved in one seat into the corner seat to make space for Jimin, making it hard for Jimin to decline his offer. In fact, he made Jimin sit beside him almost every time he went to the house that it was almost as if that seat had his name written on it.
"Yes, abeonim," Jimin replied politely, taking a seat right next to his father-in-law.

"The food is here~!" Yoojung's mom announced, walking out of the kitchen with a huge tray of food. There were banchans, kimchi stew, fried fish and all kinds of delicious food that Jimin had mentioned he liked before. It was home-cooked food - something Jimin hadn't tasted for ages, ever since he moved to Seoul from Busan.

"We'll eat well!" They all say together, before digging in. Yoojung's mom was a great cook - and the best thing was that she knew how to cook Busan delicacies even better than Jimin's own mom did. The mere taste of home-cooked food every Sunday made Jimin's eyes well up with tears every time, and this time was no exception.

Throughout dinner, they caught up with each other - Yoojung's parents shared about their paragliding trip last Wednesday up in Seokcho and the day they made cake together and ate it all that very night. When it came to their turn, Jimin and Yoojung didn't know what to share since their entire week was pretty rough, so Jimin just told them about his first day in school and Yoojung falling sick, making extra effort to avoid talking about Minhyun, the audition or anything related to those two topics because Yoojung and him hadn't even talked about it yet.

However, Jimin's discomfort did not escape Yoojung's eagle-eyed dad as immediately after dinner, much to Jimin's surprise, he stood up and announced, "Jimin-ie and I are going for a drink at the nearby convenience store!", swung his arm around Jimin's shoulder and dragged him out of the house, leaving his wife to do the dishes alone and a very confused Yoojung sitting there, still drinking her soup.

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