chapter 13: choking hazards

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"Alright - since you've been good so far, we shall share the cookies now."

Yoojung and Jimin were in the car, on the way to ONE MILLION Dance Studio, after leaving the school studio. Jimin had been awfully kind to her after she had found out about the cookies, though he had always treated her really well. Yoojung started feeling bad for confiscating the cookies from Jimin but yet, she didn't want to apologise because of... pride. So, she came up with the perfect solution of sharing the cookies with him.

Jimin laughed. "You're just hungry, aren't you?"

Yoojung pouted as she meddled with the ribbon on the plastic bag. "How on earth did that girl tie this bag? It's so-!" She finally gave up and started trying to break open the plastic bag with her fingernails. "Uh-!" She pulled again. "Hard-!" Pull. "To-!" Pull. "Open-!"

The car reached a red light at the traffic light and Jimin reached over to grab the bag from Yoojung's hands and pulled lightly at the ribbon. The ribbon was immediately untied. Jimin laughed at Yoojung and patted her head lovingly, before handing her the bag of cookies. "Sometimes brute force is not a solution." He winked at her. "Eat it slowly, Yoojung-ah." The lights changed to green and Jimin stepped on the accelerator, so the car sped off.

Yoojung rolled her eyes but smiled at Jimin. "Thank you, oppa." She reached into the bag and took out a cookie, around the size of her palm. "Oh- it's a chocolate chip cookie. My favourite." She smiled and took a huge bite from the cookie. "This taste..." She frowned.

"What's wrong? Does it taste that bad?" Jimin chuckled as he poked fun of her.

Yoojung was still frowning. "No... it doesn't taste bad..." It tasted familiar. It tasted so familiar to Yoojung but she couldn't wrap her mind around it. Where had she tasted this taste before? Why did it make her so nostalgic? And so unexplainably sad? Yoojung tried to shake off those feelings. She smiled and lifted the cookie near to Jimin's face. "Try it!"

Jimin moved his face away from the cookie with a face of disgust. "Nah, after your reaction, I don't wanna try it anymore."

Yoojung laughed. "You pabo ya! I said it not because it doesn't taste good but because it was so good I'm speechless!"

Jimin glanced over at Yoojung, trying to read her expression. "You really won't be jealous if I eat her cookie?"

Yoojung frowned. "Faster eat it, before my arm gets tired! Ah-!" Yoojung clutched on to her right arm with her left hand dramatically and winced. "It hurts already!"

Jimin laughed. "Alright, alright. I got it." He tried to take a small bite of the cookie but Yoojung shoved the entire cookie into his mouth and laughed hysterically.

"That's your punishment for accepting a gift from a random fangirl."


"You said you're sorry? It doesn't change anything. Serves you right, oppa. Merong!" Yoojung stuck her tongue out at Jimin as Jimin glared at her helplessly, his cheeks stuffed full of sweet sticky cookie goodness.

After a few moments, Jimin had finally downed the rest of the cookie. "I almost choked!" He turned and stared daggers at Yoojung. "You'll pay for this, Choi Yoojung."

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