chapter 43: messed up

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"Ya! Dude, where were you!"

Despite knowing that he was already late for Yoojung's audition, Jimin ran up the stairs towards the audition room, looking all sweaty and dishevelled. When he reached, Taemin and Jongin ran up to him and pulled him aside.

"How's Yoojung? Was she upset? Is she in there now?"

"Bro, I think you'll need to answer our questions first." Taemin frowned. "Firstly, why are you late. Secondly, why were you piggybacking Seungyeon in the photos. Lastly, how can you do such a thing to Yoojung!"

"Not cool, bro. Not cool at all." Jongin shook his head. "I would never do that to any girl."

Jimin frowned. "What? Yeah, I feel horrible that I'm late already... but what photos?"

Jongin motioned towards Minhyun, who was seated in front of the door. "That guy, he showed us some-"

Jimin's eyes widened. He had not noticed that Minhyun was there, but now that Taemin had highlighted it, he was fuming mad. First, at the hospital. Now, at Yoojung's most important audition. What did this guy want?!

"Woah, woah, woah." Taemin noticed Jimin's agressive facial expressions. "Take it easy, bro. What's wrong? Who's that guy?"

But Jimin didn't have time to explain to his friends about Minhyun. He marched towards Minhyun, his hands clenched into fists, despite his two friends trying aimlessly to prevent him from doing anything rash.

"Annyeonghaseyo," Jimin said to Minhyun through his clenched teeth, trying not to make a huge scene. "Why are you here?"

Minhyun looked up at Jimin and jumped up immediately, seeming like he was as angry as Jimin was. He was so angry he didn't even bother to greet Jimin. "You're finally here, Jimin."

"Seonsaengnim," Jimin corrected, glaring at him.

But Minhyun totally ignored Jimin's correction. "Where were you... wait- I know where you were." He pulled out his phone from his pocket, unlocked it and shoved it into Jimin's face.

Jimin beckoned, trying to focus his eyes on the photo on the screen. It looked so familiar. The building in the background, the white t-shirt, the piggybacking...?! Jimin blinked a few times. Wait, that was him!

He snatched the phone from Minhyun's hands, scrutinising the photo, before looking back up at Minhyun. "Wait... who sent you this?"

Minhyun rolled his eyes and snatched his phone back from Jimin. "You don't need to know. And right now, you don't deserve to be here."

Jimin frowned. "Wait, look- if you're talking about the photos, I can explain! Seungyeon haksaeng twisted-"

Minhyun held up his hand. "Save those excuses for later, I'm not interested to hear about them at all."

"Those are not excuses - they are the truth. Can I just ask you one thing? Was Yoojung alright before she entered the room?"

Minhyun hesitated for a while, before finally answering Jimin. "Obviously not."

Jimin frowned, turning around to face the door that Yoojung was in. Regardless of whatever circumstance, he had done Yoojung wrong - he had messed up. He had broken his promise and caused her to misunderstand... How was he going to face her right now?

At that moment, the door opened and a petite-sized young woman ran out the room, her hair covering her face. She ran straight into Jimin's arms, causing Jimin to hold her steadily to keep her from falling. As the woman looked up, Jimin finally saw her tear-streaked face. He gasped.


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