chapter 56: sweet whispers

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"What did you say?"

Yoojung smiled after hearing what Jimin had said, or rather, yelled, at her. He was the kind that expressed himself easily, said "I love you" often to her, but it seemed like ages since the last time she had heard him say it.


Yoojung grinned. Even though he was yelling it, she could feel the desperation and sincerity in his voice. All the angst they had, all the quarrels, all the cold wars... had inevitably made them less close than they were at the beginning. But hearing him say out those three words once again, Yoojung felt like everything was back to normal.

All the confusion she felt about Minhyun, all the angst she felt towards Jimin for being close to Seungyeon... everything seemed to fade away all at once. Park Jimin, the man (barely) standing in front of her, despite looking awfully disheveled and red in the face, was the same guy she had fallen in love with just a while ago.

He was the guy who did and still does crazy sweet things for her, makes her heart beat like crazy all the time, makes her almost go mad being jealous when she sees him with other girls. She fell in love with him then, and she still loved him now - nothing less.


Jimin was shouting at this point and Yoojung burst into laughter, as she clamped her hand over his mouth and he continued to talk into her hand as if nothing happened.

"It's late, oppa! You shouldn't be shouting in the middle of the streets!" Yoojung whispered to Jimin as best as she could.

Jimin pulled her hand away from his mouth and let out a small smile.

"I'm very happy to have you..." Jimin put both hands on Yoojung, trying to regain his balance. He blinked a few times and shook his head, trying to focus on Yoojung's eyes. But he gave up after a few tries, flopping his head back down on Yoojung's shoulder. "I see so many of you, Yoojung."

Yoojung smiled.

Jimin suddenly jerked back up.

"I know something!"


"If the world was filled with a million Yoojungs, what a wonderful that would be..." Jimin chuckled and rested his head on Yoojung's shoulder. "I love you so much, really... You know, there may be a thousand girls out there...  no, millions, even trillions... but I would only look at one. And that 'one' is Choi Yoojung. I love you only. Only Yoo."

Even in his drunk state, Jimin laughed at his 'witty' pun. But within the next second, he was passed out cold on her shoulder, with a tiny smile still playing at his lips. Yoojung watched him fondly.

Jimin was always affectionate, but when he was drunk, his affection always doubled. But what made Yoojung happy was that every single word he said when he was drunk was nothing but the truth, the drunken truth.

She brushed Jimin's fringe out of the way, revealing the pale skin on his forehead. She leaned down and plant a kiss on his forehead, before, softly yet sincerely, whispering into his ear.

"I love you too."

ONLY YOOOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora