chapter 4: setting things straight

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"Annyeong- I mean, annyeonghasaeyo, Minji- I mean, Jimin ssi- I mean, Jimin saem. I'm Seunggi- I mean, Seungyeon, Han Seungyeon. It's a great pleasure to meet you."

The girls in the studio burst into laughter, looking at Seungyeon being all flustered and stuttery. Seungyeon frowned and hit her head lightly several times with a clenched fist out of frustration, internally blaming herself for making so many mistakes in front of her idol.

One of the other girls in front piped in, "Jimin saem! Seungyeon is your fanclub's president! She's just nervous today, please forgive her mistakes! Please take good care of her!"

"My fan club?!" Jimin exclaimed. He couldn't believe that his very own fan club actually existed in this school.

Seungyeon looked up at Jimin slowly. "Jimin saem, don't be so surprised. Every university has your fan club these days... we're just one of the branches."

Jimin almost let out a squeak. "Oh my..." he mumbled.

Seungyeon noticed that Jimin looked uncomfortable and smiled warmly at him. "Don't feel burdened, Jimin-saem. You can just go on with your daily life and we'll just stay at a side, cheering you on. If there's anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, just let me know and I'll tell the rest of them to change!"

Jimin laughed awkwardly. "Are you sure I can tell you anything?"

Seungyeon beamed. "It would be my honour! Please go ahead."

"Maybe... next time, can we get rid of such fan-meetings? Um... I kind of have a girlfriend and I don't think she'll like it... If possible... maybe you guys should focus more on your studies too! University is a very important phase of your lives and I wouldn't want to..."

"Aww..." The girls let out a collective sigh. Jimin turned to face them, some of them were pouting, some of them resting their heads on each other's shoulders sadly and some of them were even starting to tear up.

"Jimin-saem!" Jimin turned back around to see Seungyeon looking up at him, tears forming in her eyes as well. "Please don't tell us to stop liking you. You are the hope for all of us here..." Seungyeon turned and gestured at the other girls. " this stressful university environment. We just look up to you so much and truly wish the best for you and your future." Seungyeon turned back to Jimin, looking up at him with earnest pleading eyes now glossed with tears. "So please, don't make us disband."

Jimin scanned the studio and saw the rest of the girls looking up at him with those same honest pleading expressions on their faces. He let out a chuckle. "Okay. But still, I hope what happened today doesn't happen again. You guys can come visit me time to time, but not all together alright?"

Seungyeon beamed at him and so did the other girls. "I got it, Jimin saem! Your wish is my command!" Seungyeon turned back to the girls and held up a clenched fist. "Girls, let's make a move! Now! Now! Now!"

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