chapter 64: always running away

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Have you ever lost someone you thought of as a good friend? If no, have you ever seen your boyfriend kiss another girl in front of your very eyes? Still no? Because Yoojung had just experienced both things at once at the same time when she saw her ex-best friend kissing her boyfriend when she walked into that dance studio just minutes ago.

And she felt terrible.

Before she knew it, tears welled up in her eyes as she felt Minhyun's hands slip around the sides of her face and try his best to block her view, but she had already seen everything.

And so, she ran away.

She ran away from the dance studio in the rain, not caring where she was running to. As her tears mixed with the rain, she knew was that she wanted to be anywhere but the dance studio at that point. Where she didn't need to face Seungyeon, or Jimin. Where she didn't need to see her boyfriend kissing another girl. Oh, correction - not just any other girl, but someone she had a long, ugly history with.

Sure, many years had passed since Seungyeon and her were bestfriends. Almost if not more than a decade, in fact. From that time till now, Seungyeon had did tons of mean things to her, that she did not want to recall, but she had apologised a while ago, and Yoojung had accepted that apology of hers. Even after that piggybacking incident, Yoojung had given her the benefit of the doubt. Afterall, they were once bestfriends... and bestfriends were supposed to understand each other.

But this thing she just did, was unforgivable. Yoojung could overlook all the nasty things Seungyeon had done to her during her time as a bully, but... being a homewrecker? That was out of the question.

Yoojung wasn't even sure why Seungyeon kissed her boyfriend. Why Jimin? Why did she have to fall in love with her boyfriend, of all people? Sure, Jimin was handsome, sweet, kind, had a beautiful voice, was a great dancer- okay, fine. Perhaps she was just one if the many people who fell in love with Jimin, but everything seemed too suspicious to be true...

And that's when it hit her.

Was Seungyeon trying to spite her? But spite her for what? Yoojung had only been the victim all this while... unless, she was back to wanting to bully her again. But then again, she apologised... Unless, she didn't mean one single word she said? And she was using Jimin as a means to bully her once more?

Oh, then she had to confront her! Why did she have to run away all the time? She could have just barged in on them, confront Seungyeon with Minhyun and Ji-

But Yoojung hesitated.

What if- what if, with the smallest possibility, Jimin had feelings for her too?

No, Yoojung. Don't be silly, he would never do that. He loves you.

But then again, he accepted her cookies then.

As a fangift, and you ate it too.

Well, you ended up in hospital. But anyway, it's still possible. He piggybacked her to the medical office.

No, Yoojung. That was his duty as a teacher.

But- but she's beautiful, Yoojung. Just look at you, do you think Jimin would be able to resist someone way prettier, way smarter, way better at dancing, than you? You even managed to screw up your JYP audition, you shout at him so often, you whine so much, you're ugly, you're worthless- you're- you're-

"Yoojung, please-"

Yoojung heard familiar voice and felt a firm grip on her wrist, and she turned around.

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