chapter 67: confrontation, pt. 1

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"No- Seungyeon, please listen to me- this is really getting out of hand... I think we should stop-"

"Woah, woah, what's going on here?" Jimin said, dripping wet as he walked into the dance studio, holding Yoojung's hand tight and leading her in behind him. "Stop what? And wait a second- you guys know each other?"

Seungyeon and Minhyun were in an apparent heated discussion. When they saw the couple walk in, hand-in-hand, drenched from head-to-toe, they were evidently taken aback, and ended their conversation immediately... and very suspiciously.

"Wha-" Seungyeon had a total look of confusion when her eyes fell on Jimin and Yoojung's interlocked hands. "Why-"

Jimin smirked, raising up their hands on purpose.

"Yeah, we're holding hands. We're going to be alright." He looked at Yoojung, who was hiding behind his back, shivering from the cold, and gave her a smile of reassurance. He waited for Yoojung to smile back, before looking at Seungyeon once again sternly. "And we're not going to let anyone get in our way. Now, answer my question. How do you guys even know each other?"

Seungyeon rolled her eyes, looking at Minhyun for back-up, but Minhyun looked done. He looked tired, sad and almost pitiful.

"Well, yeah. I do know him." Seungyeon said matter-of-factly, her eyes still focusing on Yoojung and Jimin's interlocked fingers. "I mean, how would we not know each other? He's the most popular senior, and I, one of the most popular-"

"I want the truth, Seungyeon." Jimin said quietly. "I know there's something more already. You had better come clean while I'm still asking nicely."

"I am telling the truth! If you don't believe me, you can ask Minhyun sunbae over here." Seungyeon shot Minhyun a meaningful glance. "We got to know each other through a mutual friend, didn't we?"

Minhyun hesitated, for a long time.

"I think... you really should tell them the full story, Seungyeon." Minhyun glanced over at Yoojung, who was peaking over Jimin's shoulder at him. "If not, I'll tell them."

Seungyeon was still not repenting.

"What do you mean? What full story? I don't know what you guys are talking about. Oh... I think I know the full story." Seungyeon let out a dry laugh, making her way towards Yoojung and Jimin. As she reached Yoojung's side, she bent down and looked into Yoojung's eyes, with an intimidating look. "All I know is... I just came for class as usual, then suddenly Jimin saem asked me to stay back and kissed me all of a sudd-"

"HAN SEUNGYEON!" Jimin shouted, pulling Yoojung away defensively from Seungyeon behind his back. His free hand was clenched so hard Yoojung could see his knuckles turn white and the hand he was holding her hand with squeezed her hand so tight the blood circulation in her hand almost stopped. She had never seen him this angry before. "That's enough."

Seungyeon grinned.

"What's enough? I'm only speaking the truth, right? You and I know what happened in the dance studio, before Yoojung and Minhyun sunbae arrived-"

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" This time, it was Minhyun's turn to explode. The three of them, who had never seen Minhyun's aggressive side before, turned to face him. He walked over, pulled Seungyeon by the arm away from Jimin and Yoojung. "I'll tell you the full story, Jimin saem."

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