chapter 63: unexpected

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"Thank you, class. You're dismissed. Han Seungyeon haksaeng, please stay back for a moment. I would like a word with you."

It was the end of the dance class, and Jimin decided that now was the moment. He had to strike while the iron's hot. Afterall, Yoojung was probably in the midst of rejecting Minhyun, and that thought made Jimin more motivated to do the same.

"Why is Jimin saem calling Seungyeon to stay back?"

"Maybe the rumours are true afterall?"

"What? What rumours?"

"Did you not see the pictures? The ones of Jimin saem carrying Seungyeon on his back?"

"Ah... those. I saw them, they were no joke."

"What about Yoojung then? Did he dump her for Seungyeon?"

"No way! I never thought Jimin saem was such a person!"

"To think I ever had a tiny crush on-"

"Ya!" Jimin had heard enough. Rumours were indeed already going around about him and Seungyeon. If he ever caught that person who spread the photos... "What are you guys doing? Get out, quickly!"

The students gathered their things quickly and scurried out of the dance studio. They had never seen Jimin look so annoyed, or upset, and him raising his voice made things even scarier. After they left, everything became quiet all of a sudden, with Seungyeon and Jimin left all alone in the small dusky room.

"Seungyeon haksaeng, you have my phone, don't you? Could I have it back, please?" Jimin finally broke the silence, glancing at Seungyeon who was still stretching at the corner of the dance studio.

Seungyeon looked up when Jimin spoke. She nodded and smiled, pulling out the phone from a compartment at the corner of her bag and tossing it at Jimin. Jimin caught the phone, and took a seat on the dance studio floor right in front of Seungyeon.

"Actually... I have something else to talk to you about... apart from the phone." Jimin started slowly.

Seungyeon smiled, looking at Jimin with earnest eyes.

"Go ahead, Jimin saem."

"Well... how shall I put this..." Jimin fiddled with the phone in his hand. "You know how a rumour has been going around all this while? About... us?"

Seungyeon laughed.

"Yes, I heard. What about it?"

Jimin was taken aback by Seungyeon's reaction.

"It's not something to be laughed about, Seungyeon... haksaeng. It really isn't. If Yoojung were to hear those nasty rumours, how do you think she'd feel? I know it's not your fault, neither is it mine, so I just wanted to discuss with you how we'd clear up these rumours..."

"Well..." Seungyeon spoke nonchalantly, packing her things into her bag. "It's not bothering me, so I don't see why-"

"No! Seungyeon, please. Listen to me." Jimin's tone almost sounded desperate. This discussion wasn't going well, and it was probably his fault for not broaching the subject in the right way. "You know, it's breaking apart a relationship - my relationship. I'm sure you wouldn't want to see-"

"Who says so?" Seungyeon turned to face Jimin, glancing at the mirror behind Jimin briefly before turning her attention back towards Jimin with a smirk on her face. "Who says I wouldn't want to see you and Yoojung break up? Wouldn't that mean I can have you for myself?"


"I like you, saem."

Seungyeon slid her hand behind Jimin's neck, pulled his face closer towards hers, still grinning. And before Jimin could react, she pressed her lips against his and kissed him.

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