chapter 35: the start of trouble

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"Alright, class- We'll end here today. I really need to rush somewhere for something important, so I really hope you understand! I'll put Han Seungyeon in charge, who will monitor you guys and make sure you all practise!"

Jimin fulfilled his promise to Yoojung later on that day, finishing half an hour earlier than the class was supposed to end.

"Oh... saem! You must be sneaking out on a date, aren't you?"

"Saem... We'll keep your secret for you... Don't worry!"

"Help us tell Yoojung we said hi!"

The students were talking over each other but Jimin could hear all of them loud and clear. Jimin laughed. "Thanks kids, Yoojung has an audition today so I've got to go early... But I already asked the Son seonsaeng-nim earlier and he said it was fine. You guys, please work hard! I'll see you guys next Wednesday!" Jimin grinned and made his way towards the door.

"But... saem!"

Jimin spun around to see Seungyeon, with her hands raised, looking at him with a concerned expression on her face.

"Saem, I can't do this... I think you'll need to stay..."

Jimin smiled assuringly. "You can! But just in case, I'll appoint another monitor to help you..." He scanned the room until he found another student who's name he could remember. He smiled and pointed at the skinny guy with blonde hair. "There. Eunhyuk-ah, please help Seungyeon well!"

"I got it, Jimin saem!"

Jimin turned towards the door once more... "Wait, saem! OWWW!"

Jimin heard a loud thud right behind him. He turned around immediately, only to see Seungyeon crouched on the floor right in front of him. She held onto her ankle, howling in pain. Jimin's eyes widened and he gasped, before immediately bending down to attend to her. A couple of students rushed forward to help her as well, but Jimin told them to stand back.

"Give her some air," Jimin told them, before turning back to look at Seungyeon, a concerned expression on his face. "Seungyeon haksaeng, are you alright?"

Seungyeon winced and shook her head. "No, saem... My ankle hurts..."

Jimin held on to Seungyeon's left foot, the hand she was clutching on to and moved it a bit. "OWWW!" Seungyeon screamed, with tears suddenly falling down her cheeks.


"Is she alright?"

"Ya! Goo Hara! How can you trip Seungyeon like that!"

"It was an accident! I was just trying to stretch my legs because they were cramping up..."

Jimin looked at Seungyeon and frowned. "This won't do," he said as he whipped his phone out of his pocket. "I'll need to call the ambulance. Hoepfully they get here soon." He dialled "911" on his phone.

But a look of panic flashed across Seungyeon's face and she pushed Jimin's hand that was holding onto his phone out of the way. Jimin looked at her, stunned.

Seungyeon shook her head. "No, saem. Don't call the ambulance. I have phobia of ambulances and hospitals. Please, don't."

Jimin looked at his watch. It read "4:15 p.m.". If he didn't get out of here by 4:30 p.m., don't talk about giving Yoojung moral support before her audition, he wouldn't even be there before Yoojung went into the room!

Jimin stood up, pressing the call button and holding the phone to his ear, but he felt someone grab onto his legs.

"No, Jimin saem, please... no..."

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