chapter 55: the drunken truth

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"Ya! Oppa! Appa! Wake up!"

A worried Yoojung rushed down to the convenience store with her mom immediately after receiving Jimin's call, evidently startled by Jimin's drunk-sounding voice. However, what started them more was the sight of two grown men flopped on the table, surrounded by 8 empty soju bottles and 2 more untouched ones.

They rushed over to their sides immediately, shaking them gently to wake them up. Yoojung's dad was passed out cold, as usual, but Jimin stirred slightly and his eyes fluttered open. He grinned like a fool when he saw a concerned-looking Yoojung standing over him.

"Oppa, you're awake! Are you alright? Why did you guys drink so much!" Yoojung chided lovingly.

"Yoojung-ah!" Jimin yelled, jumping to his feet, with a look of stupor still on his feet. He stumbled a little bit, but Yoojung caught him before he fell. "My adorable girlfriend, Choi Yoojung!"

Yoojung couldn't help but smile. Over in the corner of her eye, she saw her mom putting a jacket over her father and taking a seat next to him. She mouthed the words Yoojung made out to be "Go first, I'll wait for your dad to sober up a little."

"Oppa, let's go home."

"Go home? Of course! Home is great!" Jimin flung his arms around Yoojung's next and hugged her right. "Yoojung-ah, bring Jimin-ie home!"

Yoojung laughed. There it was, Jimin's drunk aegyo. She put her arm around Jimin's waist, used her other hand to hold on tight to his, and they started making their way home along the sidewalk. Jimin was always small-sized, so even when he was drunk and all his weight was rested on her, she had no problem supporting him. She was really strong afterall.

"Oppa, how much did you exactly drink? I've never seen you this wasted in my entire life."

"I drank 3 bottles! No, 4 bottled... No, 5, 6, 7, 8!" Jimin started humming a song Yoojung made out to be "Spring Day" - her audition song. She was actually starting to feel emotional, but Jimin let out a tiny burp, then a chuckle.

"What did you guys talk about then?" Yoojung asked. They must have talked about her, but about what?

Jimin stopped in his tracks. He looked at her with a serious expression on his face, leaning towards Yoojung's ear. Yoojung leaned in as well, but only to hear Jimin yell "secret!" into her ear and smile like a fool.

Yoojung laughed. She knew it. Jimin never falls for such things, especially when he was drunk. She was just trying her luck.

"Alright, alright. I'll tell you." Jimin said, smiling again, his eyes forming two tight slits. He leaned forward towards Yoojung and she leaned in expectantly.

But only to receive a peck on the cheek.

She jumped and looked up at Jimin in complete surprise.

Jimin smiled his drunken smile.

"I love you, Yoojung-ah!"

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