"Well she doesn't have you by the balls does she?"

"Kinda...it's why I'm having a hard time getting rid of her."

"Like what?"

"Threatened to expose me," he answered stuff food in his mouth.

"Threaten you with what? What is that you could possible have that could send things to the fan?"

"My father isn't a fan with gay people and he still doesn't know that I'm gay and have you....my mother does and is ok with it. I plan on telling him with you so he could see you and understand that what I have is real but with her in the mix she could just waltz in and throw a monkey wrench in it and that's not going to turn out well for us," he ended.

"So when do you want to go tell him?"

"Jin....just give it some time alright? I haven't mentally prepared myself for all of this and I don't want to rush things."

"Well don't you want her gone? You have me, you love me....right?"

He got up and hugged me sensing that I was feeling sad about the whole thing....I just want him to handle this so that we don't have any obstacles in our way.

"Yes of course I do baby. Just it's not that easy...."

I sighed and went to sit down and eat before it got cold thinking about how I'm going to get Namjoon out of this mess. Sure the first thing that popped in my head was meet the family but of course it'll make things worse because the dad is homophobic, but at the same time I still want to help.....

"Baby? When are you going to see your family?"

He looked at me as if he's trying to figure out my motives with the question I gave him.

"What are you thinking?"

"Meeting your parents?"

He sighed and leaned back in his chair he sat back on. My shoulders dropped from holding them high scared of his answer.

"And what pose as my friend? I don't want to do that I want to go to them in truth...."

"Then what? What will happen if we come as we are?"

"My father won't let me take over his company as his heir and stop all funds for school....I got two more years and I don't want to mess things up," he said softly.

"Over one girl.....and what she comes over how many times?"

"Whenever she feels....about four time a week.....it's why last week I was over at your dorm because I needed some work done but I can't do that when she's distracting me...."

"What about me?"

"What about you?"

I looked at him then down at my hands. In all of this I feel second, I mean sure he's got a girl that could ruin his life but we can try to do this together. I got up and took our plates to wash them clean not sure of how this is going to go. I felt arms wrap around me and his chin resting on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry," he whispered kissing my jaw.


"Making you feel some type of way."

"Joonie, you know that I can't accept this situation.... I want to help but showing that there's nothing we can do in the sake of the future seems stupid.....but who am I to say what you should do."

"Baby don't be like that. I feel like an idiot too, but she literally has me under her thumb and sadly my dad likes her even wants me to go back out with her......"

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