46: Mathias

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The gardner, Mathias, has asked Megan's father in her hand for marriage. Megan was left to find Persephonie at the castle soon after.

I thought Megan would be happy to marry me. That was why I had asked her dad. I thought the shock on her face was a look of being pleasantly surprised.

But then she had run. She had run out of the house, and had not come back until today afternoon. She came with a basket filled with food and some winter garments.

"Where were you?" I asked her, as soon as I saw her. I had stayed in her house in hopes of finding out why she was unhappy.

"I was at the castle with Perseph- with Princess Persephonie" she replied hurriedly. "Have you seen Emily?"

"She is at the market" I said, waving it off. "What did you go the castle for?"

Megan turned to face me. She and I were nearly the same height, with her being slightly taller than me. It infuriated me at times that a woman is taller than me, but that did not matter to me. I loved Megan, and I wanted to marry her. Surely she wanted the same thing?

"I needed to talk to the Princess" Megan said, replying to my previous question. "Shouldn't you be working, Mathias?"

"I want to talk to you" I said, deciding that I would ask her why she was unhappy. "Do you want to marry me?"

Megan looked into my eyes, and gave me a firm, "No."

"What?" I whispered, hoping against hope that I had misheard her.

"No, Mathias. I said no," Megan said firmly, and with a straight face. "I do not want to marry you."

I wanted to rip my heart out of my chest and throw it across the street and have a rabid dog eat it. But I will not allow myself to be heartbroken- I will make this woman love me. I felt enraged that she did not return my love for her. "I suppose that is just too bad. You're going to have to marry me anyway."

Megan gulped, and I smiled. Turning on my heels, I pulled on my winter coat and left for my house. That woman is mine, and she will love me and marry me, whether she likes it or not, I thought as I walked home. Who was she to have a say in this matter anyway?

A/N: I apologize for the short chapter. But it's a bit of an insight on Megan's life. The next chapter will probably also be rather short. My apologies for that as well. But, if you enjoyed this chapter, make sure to leave a vote and comment!

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