12: Megan

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If we remember back a little bit, remember that Megan's brother William had died, and she wanted to talk to Persephonie. Also, Queen Sophia, and Princesses Venus and Athena have come back to the kingdom of Crotis, but Persephonie and her father stayed in Bruvia with Cedric.

Song: Something I Need by One Republic

I had gone to the courtyard every day after William had died. I had seen Princess Venus and Queen Sophia in the courtyards, so I knew the Royals had returned. But then, why hadn't I seen Persephonie? I went to the courtyard at my usual time, every single day. I needed to see Persephonie. Not only did I miss her, I needed someone to talk to about William.

Pa had avoided any conversation involving him. Emily broke out in tears, and David was never home. I needed to talk to someone or I would go insane. That someone has to be Persephonie. Only she understands me. Only she knows how to console me.

I stared at the castle's entrance, waiting for Persephonie to walk through the doors with a tea tray. But I saw Louis instead. Wait- no. He looked like Louis, but not quite. I squinted at him, hoping for some obscure reason, that squinting would help me decipher who this imposter was.

Louis-not-Louis saw me and made his way to me. "Who are you, and why are you on the castle grounds?"

"I could ask you the same thing" I countered.

The stranger leered at me. "I am Prince Cedric of Bruvia. Now tell me, who are you and what business do you have here?"

"My name is Megan and I have come in search for Princess Persephonie" I replied.

Prince Cedric scoffed. "What kind of business could you possibly have with her?"

This Louis-imposter/ Prince Cedric of Bruvia was testing my patience, and I was failing. "Will you please notify the Princess Persephonie that Megan is here" then as an afterthought added, "Sire."

He suspiciously looked at me. "The princess is busy" he said, stupidly.

"Cedric!" Persephonie said from behind him, and a smirk formed on my lips. "I see you've met my friend Megan."

Persephonie came up to me and hugged me, but it was briefer than it usually was. Then she laced her fingers through Cedric's and whispered to me, "We'll catch up tomorrow" before leaving with the prince.

Cedric glanced at me over his shoulder and gave me a smirk, before turning his attention back to Persephonie. Oh, how badly I wanted to punch his face.

When I came back the next day, Persephonie was setting up a small table in the middle of the courtyard. I caught sight of the tea tray waiting on one of the chairs. I ran to her and helped lay out the spoons, and hoisted the tea tray up to the table.

The princess and I took seats facing each other. Persephonie poured steaming tea from a kettle into a white, china cup. Placing the cup on a saucer, she added a tea biscuit to company the cup, she handed the saucer to me, and I gladly accepted it. Persephonie held out a small china bowl, with a crack growing on it. I started it guiltily. The crack had formed after I dropped it about a long while ago. The bowl held sugar cubes in it, and I helped myself to five. I enjoyed sugar cubes. Meanwhile, Persephonie added all but one cube to her tea.

We didn't say anything to each other as we stirred the tea with small spoons. Nothing disrupted the silence besides the clinking of our spoons against the cup. I raised the mug to my lips and lightly blew on it. A breeze blew past me, signifying the end of summer, and the oncoming of winter. A swift and small shiver ran down my spine. Without Persephonie to offer me food, I had thinned a tad bit, but not enough to be noticeable. I took a sip, and Persephonie immediately said, "Pinky, Megan. Pinky."

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