26: Megan

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Megan is in the castle for the day, and she was working in the kitchen.

Song: Perfect by Ed Sheeran

I found Persephonie in the library, sitting on a wooden chair against a bookcase, with a book open on her lap. She glanced at the book, and moved her fingers to work on her needlework. Her hair wasn't as tightly braided as it had been this morning. Her braids were not folded as they usually were, and fell past her shoulders. Some loose strands hung in front of her face, and she carelessly brushed them away.

I smiled to myself and walked in. I must have blocked her light as I stood in front of her because she looked up at me, irritated. But her face brightened up when she saw it was me.

"Megan!" she said, standing up and placing her needlework on her chair. She held the book in her hand, closed, with a thumb in it to mark her spot. "I haven't seen you all day! Are you feeling better?"

I nodded and glanced at her book. There were some strange marking on it. I guessed them to be letters. On the book was a picture of an elegant embroidery of a canary perched on a branch jutting from a seemingly incomplete tree. "I helped with the kitchen. They... preferred to work alone, I daresay. What's the book for?"

"Oh, this" The princess glanced at her book. I noticed an incomplete embroidery sitting next to it. "Just a book I found on needlework. It has the most amazing designs, and it's ever so interesting." She picked up her needlework, which still had the needle on it, hanging off with a blue strand of thread. "I started on this a couple months ago. I know it doesn't look like too much, but it's supposed to be a summer morning."

I saw a yellow blob surrounded by a lot of blue. Persephonie placed her needlework back on the chair and showed me the picture in the book she had marked with a thumb. I didn't think it was all that interesting. There was a bright yellow circle surrounded by pale blue, with white fluffs I inferred were clouds. "Is this what yours is supposed to look like?" Persephonie nodded and I squinted at the picture in the book. "And you say that it's supposed to look like the summer sky?" Another nod. "Isn't that how the sky looks on any given day?"

Persephonie seemed lost for words. "Well... I guess, but... it's a summer sky."

I shook my head. "Why are you basing your needlework off of this picture? Why not make your own?"

"I will. But I want to learn the basics first. Or rather, I have to."

Her lips continued to form words that I couldn't hear. I gazed into her beautiful pools of black she called eyes. They were magnificent, really. There was a glint in it that made me smile, but there was also a sort of... emptiness. Almost like... a hole. As is she was waiting for something. Or someone.


I blinked and snapped back to reality, and blushed. Why am I blushing? Oh good lord, please help me. "Yes, Princess?"

"Don't call me that" Persephonie hissed.

"But just yesterday, you insisted that I call you Princess Persephonie" I replied, smirking.

"But that was... yesterday" she trailed off.

I got lost in her eyes again and we were moving closer... closer. My lips parted and I involuntarily licked my lips. I closed my eyes, but I didn't know why. I just did.

"I have to go" I heard Persephonie whisper, suddenly, her lips brushing against mine.

I opened my eyes and saw that Persephonie was at another location in the room, putting her book away. She looked back at me and smiled. I felt heat rising in my face, which meant I am blushing. But, why?

"I should head home then. Pa and Emily will be worried. For all they know, I could be dead." I said.

Sadness filled Persephonie's eyes and she frowned, but only for a second, before her smile came back on her face again. "Stay for dinner?"

I returned her smile. Maybe things could go back to the way they were. With Persephonie and me being friends. But I had feeling in the back of my mind that it wouldn't. It almost felt like I wanted... more. I wanted more from her.

I pushed it away. It was probably just my emotion for missing her. I know I told her I loved her like I should love a boy, but I was still young then. I must not have been thinking right. Besides, how could a commoner like me, refuse dinner with royalty like Persephonie?

A/N: Short but eventful chapter. I will probably update once over the weekend. Vote and comment!!

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