25: Persephonie

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Not much to say on recap. Just a reminder though: Lillian and Miles are twins, and Cedric's siblings. Janus is Persephonie's little brother.

Song: Hey Brother by Avicii 

It had snowed last night, and I was sitting by the pomegranate tree in my gray wool coat-- or as Mother liked to call it, my ugly winter dress. I had just finished my dulcimer lessons, and was humming a tune while catching up on some needle work. Megan was still at the castle, and was helping to clean up after the day's breakfast.

I was still angry at her outburst, but I had missed her so much, and I just wanted to spend time with her. I heard the crunching of snow behind me and I turned, hoping to see Megan, but saw Lillian instead. She seemed a bit angry, and she plopped down beside me. She was wearing my old, blue woolen coat, which was made out of the pale blue dress Louis had made me when I was little girl. I smiled at the memory.

"Why the dull face?" I asked the six-year-old girl, and put down my needlework to braid her blond hair.

"Miles and Janus won't let me play with them" she huffed.

"What are they playing?"

"They're playing with Cedric's old wooden sword."

"Then why do you want to play with them?" I asked her. "That's what boys do. Girls don't play with swords."

"Why not?" she asked, looking genuinely confused. "Why can't girls play with boys?"

I had finished with her braid, and so I looked into her hazel eyes. "Because boys do things that girls can not."

"Like what?"

"Like sword fighting."

"Why can't girls sword fight?"

I opened my mouth, but then closed it as I didn't have an answer. I had never really asked myself this question. And I realized, Lillian was correct. There was really no reason women shouldn't be allowed to swordfight. I probably could if I learned how to.

I grabbed my needlework and stood up; Lillian did the same. "Come on" I said, smiling. "I'll make sure Miles and Janus let you play with them. Where are they?"

"In the nursery."

I took Lillian's wrist in my hand and headed to the nursery. It was a short distance from the courtyard. "Why did you come to the courtyard?" I asked, finding it strange that she had come there.

"I wanted to bring snow to Miles and put it on his head." I burst out laughing and Lillian smiled, although I don't think she knew why I was laughing.

In the nursery, I saw a maid humming a tune and patching up a pair of breeches. My eyes found Miles and Janus hitting their swords and making an X at many different angles. It had been so long since I had been to the nursery. I had so many memories here- especially with Louis.

My throat clenched as I hoped for Louis to come back from the dead. I wanted to see him. Just once more. And to think, he was the age I am now when he died. I didn't understand why he had to die. It shouldn't have been him. He had so much ahead of him! And it was all in vain because some bad spirits decided to take him victim.

"Janus?" I said, as sweetly as I could with the lump in my throat. The young, tan prince turned to see me. "Come over her, baby!"

Janus cam to me as fast as his chubby little legs would allow him to, and I bent down to pick him. Janus wiggled in my arms, and said, "Put me down!"

"Why won't you let Lillian play with you?" I asked, ignoring him.

"Put me down!" he repeated, his face had a look of determination. He kicked my chest, and I let out a sharp gasp, and placed him on the floor.

"Miles?" I tried. "Why won't you let Lillian play with you?"

"Because Lily's a girl" the older, blonde prince replied. "Girls can't play with swords."

"Why not?" Lillian challenged. "Why can't a girl play with a sword?"

"Because you need to be protected" Miles replied.

"NO!" Lillian said sharply, and grabbing Janus' sword from his hand, advanced to her brother. She hit Miles on his thigh with the sword in her hand, and he let out a loud howl.

I gaped at the scene in front of me. My eyes dropped to Miles who was crumpled on the floor, and Lillian dropped her sword and knelt down next to him. "I'm sorry" she said. "But now will you let me play with you?"

The maid who was in charge of the nursery gave Lillian a dirty glance, and whisked Miles away. I, however, was still in awe at what Lillian had done. Never, in all my life, would I have even thought to wield a sword, much less use it to inflict harm on someone.

Lillian looked to Janus, and handed him Miles' sword. "Do you want to play with me?"

"Actually" I said, not wanting Janus to suffer the same fate as Miles, "It's time for Janus' nap."

"No it's not-" Janus tried to protest, but I picked him up and carried him to his room, leaving Lillian in the nursery, confused. That girl would either grow into a stunning ruler, or, if prodded the wrong way, an unlady- like woman.

A/N: Yes, yes, I know. Short chapter. But yay for double update! You are now halfway through the book.This was really kind of a filler chappie I guess. But meh. First day of vacation and I'm already bored XD Vote and comment!

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