42: Persephonie

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A little less than a year had passed since Janus' death. King Charles had managed to escape, but had been murdered in his sleep. No one knew who had killed him, but I had the suspicion that Mother and Venus had some involvement in it. I asked them about his death once, but they simply said he deserved it. I agreed.

Charlissa is now in chaos, with no standing ruler. The inhabitants had gone insane after their dear king's death. They decided to burn down the castle so, as they stated, "No one will be able to replace our dear King Charles." But, despite their saying, the head councilman of Bruvia's Advisory Council, Ger, had tried to step in and take over Charlissa. Charles' subjects saw to it that Ger was burned at the stake. It still amazes me how he could be so cold-hearted, yet so dearly loved at the same time.

I was sitting in the Bruvian castle's dining table, eating a pomegranate I had brought from home. Cedric was in the throne room, taking care of the peasants' problems. I had come here an hour ago, but Cedric had been busy, so I decided to do some embroidery work. I had started a project a few weeks ago, on a picture of the greek goddess of Spring, Persephone (Whome Mother named me after) eating a pomegrante, and I was working on stitching the pomegranate, which had given me the craving for my pomegranate.

I heard footsteps getting closer, then felt a kiss on my cheek. I turned to see Cedric and smiled, pecking him on his lips.

"I did not know you were coming" he said, sitting on the chair closest to mine. "You should have sent a note or something so I could have spent the entire day with you."

"I was going to send you a note" I replied, and savoured the pomegranate seeds in my mouth for a few moments, before continuing. "But I figured, I might as well come here in person to tell you." Cedric chuckled and leaned back against his chair, closing his eyes.

He is starting to resemble Louis more and more every day, I noticed. I took his crown off his head and placed it on my own. It covered my tiara, so I knew he wouldn't be able to get revenge on me taking it.

"I am King Cedric of Bruvia, greatest ruler of all the lands!" I declared, and Cedric opened one eye, peeking at me. He smiled dreamily but did not do anything else. I took a lock of his jaw- length hair and pulled it across his face, above his lips, making it look like a strange mustache. He shook his head, and opened his eyes.

"I wish I could stay, love" he said, gazing into my eyes. "But I have some work to get done. I'll see you at supper?"

I nodded, and placed his crown on his head again. He gave me a kiss, and with a swish of his cloak, left the dining room. I returned to my embroidery work, stopping every now and then to eat some pomegranate seeds.

After half an hour or so, my hand started to cramp, and I decided to stare at the empty bowl which had once contained my pomegranate seeds. Pomegranate seeds come from pomegranates. Which come from trees. Pomegranate trees. The pomegranate tree back home in Crotis.

Where I had kissed Megan.

We still saw each other. Just as often as we used to in the beginning. But it did not feel the same anymore. Every time I saw her, I felt... different. Intrigued, almost. I wanted to... to... I don't really know what I wanted to do. Megan intrigued me, yes. But she also made me feel something. Something unfamiliar.

No, not unfamiliar. I had felt it before. With Louis, I realized. I dropped my needle work on the table, in shock. Was I? No. No, there is no way. Is that even possible? It can't be. It can not even remotely be anywhere close to being possible.

But it has to be. I felt it, didn't I? I am feeling it right now. Am I sinning? No. Of course not. I am going to marry Cedric. King Cedric. King Cedric of Bruvia. So then, what difference did it make who I loved? I could always tell Father, I suppose. I could tell him I do not want to marry Cedric, and he would call off the wedding.

But what would Cedric do. I picked up my needlework again, and stared at it. Cedric is doing so well as king right now. He is building Bruvia back up again. Slowly, yes, but surely. It is looking a lot better than it did two years ago. Crime rates have decreased dramatically, as have the death rates. Except during the plague season, but that doesn't count.

I saw what King Charles had done after Venus had called off the wedding. Charles had not been able to face her rejection, so is that why he killed Prince Pierre? What would Cedric do if I rejected him. Would he kill my future fiance?

He might. I mean, King Charles, the great ruler of the sacred kingdom, had succumbed to murder due to heartbreak. And he even had a thriving kingdom. What would Cedric do? His kingdom is better than before, but it is nowhere close to be labeled as a thriving kingdom. If I broke his heart, what would he do? Would he throw a King Charles and murder my next fiance? And then, would I go and murder him? Would he kill Athena like King Charles killed Janus? Would Mother help me kill Cedric like she helped Venus?

And what would become of me? I could run away with Megan. No one would be able to find us. She and I could start our own life together.

I could do that, but there is one thing stopping me: my status. I am a royal- a princess. I am destined to become a ruler, and right now, it seems to me that I need to become the queen of Bruvia. Then what about Megan? I know she returned my feelings. I know that if I asked her to run away with me she would do so without a second thought.

It is your duty as Royalty to sacrifice your own needs, and to put the needs of your people and your kingdom first I practically heard my mother say. But she is correct. It is my duty- my destiny- to put the needs of my people and kingdom in front of my own.

I live a life of luxury and fortune. I live that life because of the taxes these people pay. The least I could do to repay them is make sure they live a good life. To do my part in making their goals all the more attainable.

I continued to stare at my unfinished needlework. This is too confusing. Too much unnecessary drama. Why can't I be normal? Why can't I be like all the princesses before me? Because you have stupid hormones that will not let you think straight.

I placed my needlework on the table and pushing my chair back, I stood up. I stretched my sore arms. I felt a lump in my throat all this useless thinking had given me.

I needed another pomegranate.

A/N: What are your thoughts? I apologize for the cheesiness. I haven't been able to update or be all that active since school started. I'll try to post updates as often as I can. A humongous thank you to those that have stuck with this story. You have no idea how much each vote and comment means to this little sleep-deprived girl. So click on that star and leave a piece of your mind for me to read! 

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