17: Venus

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So King Charles has pissed off Queen Sophia. Let's see what she does now...

Song: Daughters by John Mayer (The mood of this song kind of ruins the mood of the chapter, but I was listening to it while writing the second half of this chapter)

She just got off her throne, ran to Charles, and slapped him across his face, a sickening crack filled the room. Charles was stunned, as was everyone else. When had anyone ever thought that my mother, Queen Sophia of Crotis, would ever slap a king? Let alone "the king of the sacred empire?" A successful king? My soon to be husband king?

But Mother didn't seem to notice this silence. She stared deep into Charles' exotic green eyes, and said, very slowly, as though making sure that he would not miss a single word, she said, "I built a manor. I was raised as a slave, and I still got more work done than my master. I fed my family, I fed my parent, my brothers, my sisters, my grandparent, my uncle, my aunts, and my cousins. I gave birth to four children of royalty, your mother gave birth to the wretched likes of you! How dare you say women are not capable of anything? How dare you say women need men to survive? How dare you say that women are beings living on emotion? How dare you say that women are punishment to men? If there was no woman, you would not be here, you filthy, traitorous, scumbag!"

Charles was stunned, and speechless. His cheek was unnaturally red, and there were tears stagnant in his eyes.

"Get out" Mother said, quietly, but definitely. "Get out of Crotis. I don't want to see you anywhere near Crotis, or my children, or any of my family." When Charles didn't move, mother pointed at the door, and screamed in the albino king's face, "GET OUT!"

The Great king of the sacred empire, left my father's throne room, whimpering like a hurt dog, and because of a woman. Because of my mother. My mother-- who I believed from the start would give her life to keep this kingdom safe, would give my life to keep this kingdom safe, had just saved me. But... why? And in the process she had dismissed any chance our kingdom had of an alliance with Charles.

She saw where you went blind. King Charles would never have helped you. You would have only signed up to put yourself through hell. Mother helped you and the kingdom by sending Charles away.

Father made to talk to her, but Mother shot him a stern look, making Father stop in his track. Mother gingerly graced out of the room, however, her anger remained. It stank up the walls, and was built into the floor, and stitched into the curtain. I wanted to be like her. I wanted to be just like mother. I always had. Only-- I didn't know how. Would I have stood up for my daughter the way Mother had? No. I would have been too scared.

I didn't understand. How could she do that? How did Mother manage to scare a grown man- a powerful and successful king at that- and make him run away, feeling like a little boy? And what had she meant when she said I fed my family, I built a manor? It didn't make sense. None of this did. I wanted to ask her what had happened. I needed to know. But I knew she wouldn't tell me, no matter how hard I asked, pleaded, and begged.

A/N: I apologize for the short chapter. I'm a little busy today. The next update will be slightly longer. But thoughts about Sophia? Venus? I'll add a few bonus chapters at the end of this book about Sophia, so stay tuned for that. And if you guys think of a better song for any of the chapters in this book, please let me know. Vote and comment! Next update next week.

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