15: Sophia

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So Venus is going to get married to a douche. This chapter is from Queen Sophia's POV (Hence the chapter title), so let's see what happens. Also, back when Cedric's father died, Sophia got pretty close to telling Persephonie something. Let's see what that is as well.

Song: Icarus by Bastille

I peeked into Venus' room, smiling. She seemed to be asleep still, though I know she should be up by now. Had it been any other day, I would have scolded her. But she was getting married in three days! My baby girl, my baby princess, about to become queen! And not just any queen. But the queen of one of the most successful kingdoms.

I silently made my way to her bed, a grin on my face. I stroked her hair, and she opened one eye. She closed it and turned onto her side, her back facing me. Venus didn't look excited to get married. At first I thought it was just nerves, but her spirit seemed utterly crushed. Was it because of the dress?

"Venus, darling?" I whispered, but she didn't respond. "Venus?" I tried again. "Are you sick?"

She started shaking, and before long, she was crying. This confused me. Why was she crying? Shouldn't she be happy that she was getting married? This can't be tolerated. "Venus" I said, my voice hard. "You will respond when you are spoken to."

Venus turned around to face me, her tears ran back into her hair. "I'm sorry" she choked out. "I'm so, so, sorry."

I grabbed a nightgown for her- one of the only things she had in her closet, because everything else had been packed away to be taken to Charles' kingdom. I handed it to her, and she quickly put it on, giving me a brief view of her youthful body. Then I forced her to sit beside me on her bed.

"Tell me what's going on" I demanded, calmly.

Venus took a shaky breath and hesitated. Her glassy dark grey eyes searched my black ones. She turned her attention to her laps. "The demons entered my sleep" she muttered.

"Don't lie to me!" I snapped. Despite how well I had raised her, she still insisted on hiding things from me, and I didn't understand why. To be completely honest, I never completely understood her. I never could. At her age, I was a maid to a very rich man in Greece. I had never told anyone this. I got close to telling Persephonie once, but was glad when Cedric interrupted me.

Venus clutched the fabric on her lap, and an involuntary tear slipped out of her eye. I placed my hand under her chin and forcefully turned her head so she was forced to look into my eyes. She tried pulling her face away from my hand, but I held it in place. "Let me go" she pleaded. "Please mother. I'm hungry. I want to eat something."

I called for a maid to bring in some food, never once wavering my intense gaze on my oldest daughter. "Now tell me" I demanded, softly this time. "Why are you so distressed? You're getting married in three days. You should be happy!"

"Idontwannamarrykingcharles" she blurted. I shook my head, not pleased at her unladylike behavior. Taking a deep breath, Venus repeated herself, more clearly, and without emotion. "I don't want to marry King Charles."

I was utterly confused. Her answer made sense as to why she lacked enthusiasm toward the wedding, but I did not know what to feel. Was I shocked? Surprised? Unhappy? How was I feeling? I didn't know. I don't liking not knowing something, and I especially don't like not knowing something about myself. "Then why did you agree to marry him?" I asked, preventing my confusion from leaking into my voice. She should have known she had the choice of not marrying him. Venus had two years to reject him. Why hadn't she said anything until now?

Venus evaded my eyes, and gave her open closet her utmost attention. "I thought marrying King Charles would help the kingdom" her empty voice barely whispered. I almost thought I had imagined her words. A maid walked in with a tray containing bread, and a small bowl of oats with blueberries- freshly picked by Athena the day before- and a chicken pot pie, with a small glass of ale. Venus drained the ale.

"Look at me" I said softly, and Venus obeyed. I didn't know what to say. I couldn't empathize with her, and so, I didn't know what to tell her. Patrick is the only man I have ever loved, and I had only ever been saddened at the thought of not being able to marry him. "Is there someone else you love?" I finally asked. Venus shook her head. "Then why don't you want to marry him?"

She filled her mouth with large spoonful of oats. After slowly swallowing, she said, "He will make my life a living hell- I am sure of it" there was determination in her eyes, as though she didn't want to be weak. "He says that he- that he owns me" Venus closed her eyes for a brief moment, a painful expression conquering her face, but it was gone as soon as it had come, then she opened her eyes again. "But marrying him will help our people."

"Marrying him will ruin your life!" I exclaimed in disbelief. "If he makes you go through hell you should have said something! The wedding's off" I said, defiantly, and left for the door.

"Mother, wait!" she yelled, and I heard the clattering of her tray on the floor. I turned and glared at her, but she ignored it, infuriating me even further. Venus was standing, and walking to me. We were both standing eye- to- eye, her nose nearly touching mine. "Marrying Charles will help the kingdom- our subjects!" she whispered. "I need to marry him."

I caressed her cheek with my thumb. "How can you be fine with throwing away your life, just to help this kingdom?" I whispered, allowing her to hear my confusion.

Venus stepped back and smiled at me. "Persephonie said the same thing." Venus took a deep breath before beginning to explain. "You're the one who always said that a true leader puts the need of his subjects in front of his own."

"But you're not a he" I countered, at a loss for better words. I couldn't let her marry Charles, not when she said he put her through hell. Not when I knew he would treat her like a slave.

"But I am still a leader to my people" Venus answered, emotionless. "This is how you raised me to be, mother. You raised me to believe that my subjects are more important to than I am to myself. Charles' kingdom is ordered, and his towns are much more pleasant than ours."

"And do you think he will help you?!" I shrieked, losing my temper completely. "Do you honestly think that he will fall head over heels to help you, to help your kingdom?! I raised you to be a good leader- not to be incompetent!" I was breathing hard, and Venus was stunned. "The wedding- is- OFF." I left her room and slamming the door behind me, I stormed away to the throne room, where Patrick was dealing with problems of the nobles complaining about peasants stealing from them.

It hurts when your own daughter tells you she will go into a life she will despise, that she is willing to go through hell, just to try to help her people. I thought I raised her to be logical, and to think things out. She must have known that after she married Charles, her new husband would never give a damn about Crotis!

But I had failed. I had failed my oldest daughter. But maybe I'll do better with Persephonie and Athena. I will raise them right, and I will try to fix Venus. But one thing at a time. Right now, I had a wedding to cancel.

A/N: How will things go with King Patrick? Now that you know more about Queen Sophia, what are your thoughts about her? Let me know in the comments. Don't forget to click on the star!

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