45: Persephonie

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Mathias is the gardner that has a crush on Megan. Also, there are multiple medieval curse words which I will try best to define here:

Fopdoodle: a dumbass

Gnashnab: Someone who always complains

Xanthipee: a slut

Varlet: someone who is 2-faced

The snow took over a month to clear, but when it did, I went to wait in the courtyard for Megan in my green winter coat (I had grown out of my old, gray one). I smiled when I saw her, and ran to meet the bonnetted beauty under the pomegranate tree, but my smile dropped when I saw her red, puffy eyes.

"Megan-" I started as soon as she was within earshot, but she cut me off.

"Mathias is marrying me" she wailed. "He asked my father for my hand in marriage and it is scheduled for the spring."

I enveloped her in a hug, and held her while she sobbed on my shoulder. I patted and stroked her back, trying to calm her.

"It's okay" I whispered. "Who is this Mathias anyway?"

Megan burst out laughing, wiping at her tears. I did not know or understand why she was laughing, but I smiled, glad to see her laugh. "Do you really not remember who Mathias is?" I shook my head, no. Megan cupped my cheek and smiled, her face still streaked with tears, but at least she was smiling. "The gardner."

My mouth formed an 'o' as I remembered him. "I don't like him" I told her. "He sounds like a fopdoodle."

"He is more of a gnashnab" Megan replied, sadly, still holding my face. Even though I had grown, I barely reached Megan's chin. I pushed her chin down so I got a better look of her light- brown eyes.

"Then you be a xanthippe" I said with mock seriouness, earning a small chuckle from the tall woman.

"What if that makes him a varlet?" she asked.

I thought for a moment, then said, "You become one too. You do have me after all."

A silence passed where we each just enjoyed the other's presence. I leaned into Megan's chest and closed my eyes, listening to her heart beat.

"Run away with me" I heard Megan whisper.

"You know I can't" I whispered back. Megan rubbed my back. "Stay for dinner?"

"I'll even stay the night" she said, and kissed the top of my head.

"I would never have it any other way."

A/N: These next couple chapters will be short. Also, my apologies for the late update. I've been incredibly busy with school and shiz. Vote and comment!

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