21: Cedric

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Cedric invited Persephonie to go hunting with him. Let's see how that works out...

Song: Tell Me You Love Me by Demi Levato

Persephonie was awfully quiet in the chariot. Every attempt I made at conversation, she turned down with a simple, "Okay" or "Good to know." Something was bothering her, but I didn't want to ask her what. Although I loved her, and would die for her, I didn't know how to comfort her.

"What are you hoping I kill?" I asked her, making one last attempt.

Her eyes suddenly lit up. "Rabbitts" she said, almost immediately.

Of course. I thought, feeling stupid. Persephonie absolutely adored rabbit meat. They would be a little hard to find at this time of year, but if I did, then it would be all hers. And I would find one, even if I had to stay here till next spring.

The carriage stopped in front of the untame forest. Wild plants and trees grew everywhere at odd angles. It was a bit chilly, so I would have more luck with wolves and coyotes. A steward opened the door, and I jumped out, with my bow and arrows, and sword. I proceeded to help Persephonie out of the carriage, but she accidentally stepped on the hem of her dress. She stumbled, but didn't fall. However, she ended making a rip in her dress. She held my hand as she dismounted, and I pulled her into a hug. Persephonie was stunned at first, but then leaned her head against my chest. She really was quite short. The top of her head came up to my chin.

"Why so affectionate?" She whispered.

I kissed the top of her head, taking in her smell of... I couldn't really make out what she smelled like. It was distinct. Almost like... pomegranates. I, personally, had never had a pomegranate. But I had seen her eating it. She would eat two to three entire fruits if that many were available. "Is it so wrong to show my Princess how much I love her?"

I heard her take in a sharp breath. I had never told her I loved her before. She hadn't either. Persephonie looked into my eyes with beautiful, deep, black and Grecian ones. She gave me a genuine smile and pressed her full lips to mine. I placed my hand on her cheek, and felt the texture of her braids hitting the back of my hand.

She pulled away and smiled at me, my palm still on her cheek. She playfully punched my shoulder and said, "Now go find me a rabbit." It was one of the things I loved about her. She would treat me like a friend, yet as someone special. Almost like a brother. No, not like a brother. More like, her best friend that she wanted more with.

"I'll be back before sundown" I promised, and left her waiting by the carriage. I had a stupid smile on my face, but it quickly faded as I slowly realized that Persephonie hadn't said she loved me back. I heard my partner, Knight Connor, jog up to me. "Did you bring the knife?"

Connor nodded, and we talked about Persephonie, and other random things. But mostly Persephonie. "Connor," I started, slowly, "Do you think Persephonie loves me?"

Connor hesitated for a moment. "I didn't hear her say that she did" he said, and paused for a second, as my heart fell. "But I'm sure it was nothing. She was probably too shocked to say it."

I stopped walking and Connor halted beside me. I turned to face him. "Do you really think so?"

Connor's lips formed a thin line. "I think the Princess needs to get to know you a little bit more. She still seems a little distanced from you."

I sighed, and looked away. We continued walking through the trees. The knight and I didn't talk to each other, and I was kind of glad for it. About two months after I had come to Crotis, I had met Connor, and we became inseparable. He could be rather quiet at times, but I wouldn't call him shy. More like... an introvert.

I wanted to fill in this rift between Persephonie and me. I would soon have to go back to Bruvia and take the kingdom back. If Persephonie somehow managed to leave me... I don't know what I would do. I had grown incredibly attached to her, and she meant absolutley everything to me. If she left me, I would fall apart. I hoped Persephonie would at least stay with me for that reason- to keep me from breaking. After all, a broken king can't fix a broken kingdom.

Conner suddenly stopped me and pointed to a snow white rabbit, lounging in the grass with its ears straight up and rolling about it's head. The rabbit was at attention and I could practically smell it's fear. As quietly as I could, I notched an arrow on my wooden bow. I took aim for the rabbit's eyes, and pulled back on the string. This must be my lucky day. I mean, finding a rabbit within half an hour in? But I think I jinxed my luck. Just as I released my arrow, the rabbit took off. My arrow struck the ground where the rabbit's tail had been just a second ago, and a mountain lion ran after the rabbit, breaking my arrow in the process.

"You'll get the next one" Connor said, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"You say that at every hunt" I countered.

Connor chuckled. "I wouldn't have to if you were any good at hunting your majesty."

I punched the knight's stomach and he doubled over. After he regained his posture, we both burst out laughing because he was right. I really wasn't too great at hunting.

A/N: Thoughts on this chapter? On Cedric? I have state tests starting this week, and it's continuing for a while, so updates are currently looking a little iffy for next week. Vote and Comment!!

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