8: Cedric

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So Cedric's dad just committed suicide, and King Patrick (Persephonie's father) was accused of killing him. Poor Cedric has lost so much! Let's see how he's doing...

Song: Jet Pack Blues by Fall Out Boy

I was in my sleeping chambers. How did I get here? I was in the throne room, and I don't remember falling asleep. My stomach grumbled, complaining their lack of food. I pushed the sheets off my body and stepped onto the floor.

My body was stiff and sore. I had fallen asleep in my day clothes. I stretched a little, and looked to my dresser to change into something more comfortable. My eyes caught Dad's crown. He must have left it there on accident. After I changed into some breeches (I wasn't wearing a shirt), I prepared to walk out the door. But that's when I saw the blood on my floor. Where did that come from?

I walked out to a nearby guard at his post. "Why is there blood in my room?" I demanded.

The guard looked straight ahead as he said, "The king was murdered last night, sire."

"What?" I asked confused, and disbelieving. "Don't play games with me. Where did the blood come from?"

The guard finally looked at me, but didn't move his head. Only his eyes moved. "Permission to take off my helmet, Prince Cedric?" After I nodded, he took it off, and kneeled so we were eye to eye. His blonde hair was cut close to his head, and his blue eyes were filled with pity. No- not pity. It can't be pity. What reason did this guard have to pity me?

"Well?" I demanded. "Why is there blood in my room?"

The guard took a deep breath, preparing to explain, when Princess Venus said, "Prince Cedric!"

The guard stood back up, and replaced his helmet. I looked to Venus, annoyed. But I immediately softened after I saw Princess Persephonie behind her, peeking at me, shyly.

"Are you okay, Cedric?" she asked.

"Of-Of cour- Of course milady. Why- Why- Why wouldn't I be?" I stuttered, my nerves getting the better of me. Good Lord Cedric, you're so dumb. Play it cool. You'll have her falling for you in no time. Oh wait. She's engaged to Louis.

The princesses looked to the guard who had just taken off his helmet. Persephonie came up to me. "You remember what happened to your mother and- and- and" Persephonie took a deep breath and let it all out. "To your mother and L- Louis" she choked out my brother's name.

"What happened?"

Persephonie looked shocked and turned to Venus for help. Venus stared at her feet. The younger princess finally looked back at me, her eyes were pleading for something, but I couldn't quite figure out what. "The plague?" She whispered. I stared at her, still confused. "You mean- you mean you don't remember anything?"

"Remember anything of what?" I asked, getting annoyed, my nerves leaving me. Something had happened, and people expected me to know what had happened.

"Your mother and brother passed away yesterday" Venus blurted, suddenly. "The spirits of the plague had gotten a hold of them."

I stared at the oldest princess, open- mouthed. I remembered now. Yesterday. I had fainted. Louis had died. So had mother. I looked down at my brother's fiance. She could be mine now. I had the chance to have her. But Louis' life was not worth it.

Persephonie cupped my cheeks with her hands, her eyes staring deep into mine. My gaze dropped to her lips for just a second before making it's way back to her beautiful black eyes. I couldn't think or hear anything other than the hammering of my heart. My stomach felt so weird. And I couldn't stop thinking about her perfect pink lips. Then she got her tiptoes and kissed my forehead, and gave me a sad smile. She then turned and left with Venus.

Princess Persephonie had kissed me. Well, only on my forehead, but it's better than nothing. I had been kissed. By the love of my life. Oh! The future we could have together! She and I would work together to bring Bruvia back to the state it used to be in.

She and I. She and I. No Louis. No Mom. I turned to face the guard again, the strange feeling inside my stomach disappeared, and a lump formed in my throat.

My father had started to break as soon as he heard that Louis and Mom had the plague.

The blood in my room...

My father breaking down...

"Guard?" I murmured, my voice small, and disbelieving. "Where's dad?"


A/N: Oh boy. What is this guard going to tell him? How will Cedric deal with what the guard says? And whatever happened to King Patrick? Next chapter is really short, so there will probably be a double update next week (yay!) Also, the song for this chapter (Jet Pack Blues) is one of my favourites. What's your guys' favourite songs/bands? Let me know in the comments, I'm curious! Thanks for reading! Vote, comment, and share this story if you liked it!

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