30: Persephonie

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The Royals are on their way to the kingdom of Varac. King Charles has also ransacked one of Crotis' villages.

The two weeks in Varac passed by quickly. Venus had met with the Varian prince, Pierre, and the two seemed to be getting along pretty well. However, it had gotten too cold to travel back home at the end of the two weeks, and if we did attempt to sail home, the probability that we would freeze to death was extremely likely.

"When will we be able to leave?" I asked Father, three days after the day we were supposed to leave.

"We might have to wait until spring" Father said, grimly. "I don't really want to stay here longer than we have to. If by some miracle, it warms up, we will leave. Keep your bags packed."

An entire month passed before we were able to leave (Cedric was a little sour because he had hoped to spend his birthday at Crotis). Father was worried that King Charles must have ransacked other villages and areas of the kingdom, and it turned out that he had, in fact, ransacked four more villages.

As soon as we got home, Father didn't stop to help unload. He went straight to the Map Room with Cedric at his heels, to go over the plans of stopping Charles' army. The Varian soldiers, knights, and generals were in hot pursuit. I was left with Mother, Venus, Athena, Janus, and the twins. Lillian was sent to bring a couple maids to help unload.

I carried my basket and Cedric's into Cedric's room. I had never been in here. The first thing I saw after walking in were two swords, crossing each other to form an X on the wall. I placed the large baskets on Cedric's bed and moved to inspect the swords.

There was something carved on the hilts of the swords, and squinting my eyes, I read the names. The hilt on the right read Louis of Bruvia. I ran my fingers over the hilt. My heart swelled. This is Louis' sword. I wrapped my hand around the hilt, and felt the cold metal press into my palm. I had the urge to lift it up, and feel its weight in my hand, but I wasn't even supposed to be touching a sword. My eyes widened in realization and I jerked my hand away from the sword and stepped back. I glanced over my shoulders to make sure no one had seen me.

I went closer to the swords again, to see if there was anything on the hilt of the sword on the left. I ran my fingers over the metal, and felt the etchings on it. I retracted my hand and squinted at the handle of the sword. I saw dents, and some lines, but I couldn't decipher what it said. My face went closer to the hilt until the bridge of my nose was touching it. I squinted at it, trying to figure out the words- or at least some of the letters- the etched lines formed.

"It's dad's" Cedric said from behind me, and I jumped back, startled. I turned to see my fiance, giving me a sad smile. "It's just something to remember him by."

I jerked my chin to the sword hilt on the right. "And I presume that's something to remember Louis by?" Cedric nodded. I gazed longingly at Louis' sword. I didn't have anything of Louis'. Suddenly, I asked, "Do you have Louis' wooden sword?"

He raised his eyebrows, slightly amused. "Yes. Why do you ask?"

I took a breath, before I said, "I would like to keep it, if that's alright with you."

Cedric hesitated, but nodded, and looked around in the chest which sat at the foot of his bed, and pulled out a splintered, wooden sword. He handed it to me, and I examined it, smiling when I ran my fingers on the edge, remembering the day I had met Megan. I smiled at the memory.

Cedric cleared his throat, and I turned to look at him. "My coronation is scheduled for next month" he said, proudly. "On your birthday."

"My birthday?" I repeated. Cedric nodded, his smile slowly vanished.

"Don't you want it to be on your birthday? Just think about it- King of Bruvia gets corinated on his wife's birthday!" Cedric's smile returned, and he looked to me, most likely expecting a smile and nod in return. When I didn't oblige, he said, "Is something wrong?"

"If it's on my birthday" I started, "Then no one will pay attention to me. It will be all about you- and not only this year, but for every year after, because your coronation is more important than my ending of a year."

Cedric scratched the back of his neck. "Oh... I suppose my coronation can be moved then."

I pecked his cheek, then picked up my basket and left for my room. Once there, I asked for a maid to put my things away and left for the courtyard. It felt strange since all the guards were out, helping with the war, so the courtyard seemed naked.

I saw the blond gardener patting the Grecian soil at the pomegranate tree, which had produced a couple leaves. I smiled at the thought that spring was starting, which meant summer was just around the corner. I saw a silhouette in the distance, and grinned when I saw that it was Megan. She saw me and waved. I started walking to meet her, but she was stopped by the gardener.

I frowned. Why was he talking to her? And smiling? And making her smile? I wanted to drag Megan away from him. I wanted to keep her with me. But Megan continued to talk to the gardener. What is she doing? Isn't she coming here to talk to me? Then why is she talking to the gardener?

After what felt like forever, Megan flashed the gardener one last smile before leaving him. But I felt a split second of rage when she bade him good-bye: "I'll see you tomorrow, Mathias!" Then, she tightened her bonnet, and called, "Hello my Princess of Spring!"

"Summer!" I yelled back, smiling. We embraced each other, and I rested my head on her shoulder (I gave the gardener an evil eye). It had been too long since I had seen her. I glared at the gardener, then whisked Megan away to my room mostly because I wanted to keep her away from the gardener.

A/N: What's the deal with Megan and this gardener? Find out in the next chapter! Vote and comment!!

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