20: Persephonie

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So Persephonie found Megan almost-dead by the pomegranate tree. Let's see what happens now.

Song: (I can't think of one. Comment a song you think would work well for this chapter).

When I first saw her, leaning against the pomegranate tree, I thought she was dead. She was curled into the fetal position, with her cloak tightly wrapped around her body. Her face was pale and dirty, and her mousy-brown hair was falling out of her filthy bonnett. But her lips were what had frightened me most. Her lips were dry and had turned a shade of blue.

I ran to her side and shook Megan. She didn't move. "MEGAN!" I screeched in her ear, but I still got no response. She can't be dead. She couldn't be! "Megan please!" I whispered. "Please wake up."

I placed a hand on her cold and numb cheek, and kissed her forehead. Why her? Why did she have to die? She didn't deserve to die. She doesn't deserve any of this! I had almost given up hope, when I saw her eyes flutter. Slowly, she opened them, and whispered something I didn't catch. I searched her light-brown eyes to make sure she was still alive. Megan started shivering vigorously, and the guard that had found her here a few minutes ago lifted her up with ease. I instructed him to take her to my room and he obeyed.

Megan laid her head back on the guard's chest, and I hoped that she wouldn't die in the minutes it would take for the guard to place her in my room. Why had I been so stupid? Why had I ignored her these past couple years? I didn't remember the anger I had felt to her. All I knew was that Megan was dying and I needed to help her. My Megan was dying. My sweet Meg! My Meg had come to me for help, and I would give it to her. I swore to myself at that moment that from now on, I will always protect her, and never let any harm come to her. I vowed to never leave my sweet Meg alone, ever again.

I broke that vow, of course. But that would not happen for years to come.


I had called for a maid to fetch a doctor, and another was going into my room with a tray containing hot water and tea. I followed her into my room, where Megan was laying on my bed, shivering, and teeth chattering. She clutched my quilts close to her body, as though afraid that someone might snatch it away from her.

The maid pulled out a cotton handkerchief from my dresser, and dipped it into the bowl of hot water. Then, she placed it on Megan's forehead, making her produce a soft moan.

"Bring her another quilt" I told the maid. "I can take care of her until you come back."

The maid handed me the soaked handkerchief and hurried away. I sat on the edge of the bed, and dipped the cotton cloth in my hand into the bowl containing hot water, and placed it on Megan's forehead for a couple seconds, before dipping the cloth back into the bowl, and placing it on another area of her forehead. I continued this process for another minute, before her eyes finally fluttered open.

"Sit up" I demanded, and she obeyed immediately, resting her head against the headrest of my bed. I poured some tea into into a white china cup-- the one she and I used to use all those years ago when we were children-- and handed it to her. She sipped it gratefully. I sniffed the tea, curious as to what kind it was. Mint. My favourite. Also known to cure colds.

Suddenly, Megan sneezed, sloshing tea all over herself and got snot on the cup, her hands, and my quilt. She pulled at her dress, because the hot tea was burning her. Panicking, I demanded that she take off her dress and clean herself with it. I pulled out the longest dress I owned. A red one with drooping sleeves and brown embroidery down the middle of the skirt part of the dress.

The maid walked into my room with a folded quilt clutched to her chest. Her face contorted into a look of disgust, and exasperation. I handed her the red dress and instructed her to clean up my room and Megan. I left my room, in need of some quiet. I decided to talk to Athena. Although she was only eleven years old, she seemed to understand me more than Venus.

But I was stopped by someone else. My fiancé. Cedric's intense hazel eyes gazed into mine. "Hello beautiful" he cooed. "I'm going hunting. It would just make my day if this beautiful princess could accompany me" he kneeled and held out his hand to me.

I smiled and placed my hand in his. I didn't really want to go hunting, but the blissful look on his face wouldn't let me refuse his offer. He closed his fingers around mine, and kissed my knuckles, before standing up. This time, his hazel eyes had a sort of sparkle in them. The same sparkle I had seen in Louis' eyes. "I suppose that's a yes then?" he said, smugly.

A/N: Sorry this chapter's ending was a little wierd. But I needed to switch the POV so I cut this chapter short. Leave your thoughts on this chapter and what song you think will work for this chapter in the comment section! Don't forget to vote!!

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