6: Cedric

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Song: I Can't Make You Love Me by Bon Iver 

My mother. Dead. My older brother- my role model. Dead. Both on the same day, victim to the same thing: the plague.

Louis shouldn't have died. He was only thirteen, and was to be married! Although I always envied his relationship with Princess Persephonie, I thought they were perfect for each other. Never had he wronged her, or she him.

But I had also fallen for Persephonie. Though we didn't have a close bond, I found her beautiful, and pleasant to be around. There have been multiple times when I wished Persephonie had been promised to me instead of Louis. And my wish came true.

Just before she burst through the door (looking beautiful, even in her nightgown. I saw goosebumps on her tan arms, from the cold carriage she had without doubt been on), Louis had told me to protect her. He told me to ask for her hand in marriage. But even if we did end up marrying, Princess Persephonie and I wouldn't be able to have the same bond she and Louis had. We might come close, but I knew she wouldn't feel the same way to me as she did to Louis. That's what saddened me the most.

There were so many things wrong with the pairing of her and me. First off, I am her love's brother. I may look like Louis, but I am not him. I can't love her like my brother did. But maybe I can love her more than he did. But the real question was, will she love me? I mean, not only am I a year younger than her, I would only make her miss Louis more.

And Princess Persephonie always made me nervous. I was always trying to be my best around her. Although I knew I didn't have a chance with her, I had always tried to impress her. And it always ended badly.

I glanced up at Louis to see the Healer undressing him. I sighed and stood up, feeling light-headed. I looked back at Louis to see sores and bumps around his armpits. A sob choked me, and I turned and walked out the room. Then it dawned on me that I had let not one- but two females see me cry.

And one of them was a girl I hoped to marry. If my nervousness hadn't been enough for her to look down on me, my tears surely must have been. I stopped one of the guards on patrol and asked for the others. He said they were in the throne room.

The doors to the throne room was open when I reached it. The women were hunched together, crying, except for Persephonie. She seemed to be in a trance, in her own world as she stared at nothing. King Patrick was consoling my father, who was trying to hide his tears. I didn't understand why King Patrick was trying though. My father had just lost his son and wife!

I couldn't see the twins- the youngest in my family- anywhere. They were probably sleeping. Louis had seen them earlier, and the twins had been confused as to why everyone was crying over the once future king.

Future king. That's me now. Oh good lord. I can't be king- I'm not ready! Louis was supposed to be ready! Dad was training him, not me! I'm going to fail. I will be the fall of Bruvia.

I began hyperventilating and backed up against a wall. I felt sweat trickle down my temples, and I slid down the wall. Me? King? No. Dad wouldn't do that to his kingdom. I would make a terrible king!

My vision blurred from the tears I kept at bay. Why was it Louis that died? It should have been me! The world can do without a Cedric, but not without a Louis. I felt extremely light-headed. And I wanted to throw up, but I hadn't eat anything since breakfast.

I can't be king. I'm barely even cut out to be a prince! Kings have so much to do! So many responsibilities, so many places to be, so many things to strategize, so many-

 Suddenly, the world went black.


A/N: Kind of a crappy chapter. Sorry about that. But what are your thoughts on Cedric? How do you think his relationship with Persephonie will be? Vote and comment!

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