16: Persephonie

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Previously, in The Key To Ruling A Broken Kingdom, Queen Sophia told Venus that she would cancel the wedding between Venus and Charles. Let's see how that plays out.

Song: Shake It Off by Taylor Swift (It came on in Pandora and it's stuck in my head)

The yelling in Venus' room had intrigued me. But when I realized it was Mother's voice, I waited outside until she left. Venus walked out after her, and stood still on the doorway, watching Mother walk away.

"What's going on?" I asked my sister. Venus looked down at me. I was slowly starting realize how everyone looked down at me when they talked to me. I realized how short I was standing next to Venus, because I had never really needed to look up at her. My head barely reached her shoulders.

"Mother's going mad" she replied, shaking her head. "Where's your tiara?"

"Where's yours?" I countered.

"Never mind" Venus sighed, and before I could say anything else, she locked herself in her room. I figured she was getting dressed. I navigated through the castle to find my room, because I needed to put on my tiara.

I saw King Charles and smiled at the albino man. He flashed me a grin as he walked past me. Charles had been quite a successful king. After he took control of his kingdom at the age of fifteen because the rest of his family had been captured and killed by invaders, his people started to see him as a King. Not only did he build public structures and create jobs for the poorer people, he also went on monthly visits to the town and talked to random commoners he saw on the street.

Overall, he seemed a good man, and Venus was doing the right thing by marrying him. He would treat her right, and perhaps help our kingdom at the same time. Nothing could possibly go wrong.

Looking in the mirror, I re- braided my hair down my back, and placed my tiara atop my head. I smoothed out my dress- a simple purple one. I walked into Cedric as soon as I walked out of my room. I smiled at him, because he didn't make me feel short. In fact, I was taller than him. It might be barely noticeable, but I knew that I was, and that's good enough for me.

"King Patrick and Queen Sophia wanted me to bring you" he said, grabbing my hand. He ran down the hall, pulling me with him.

"Why- Why are we running?" I panted.

"This is important" Cedric replied, not the slightest bit out of breath. How did he manage to keep his breath while he ran?

I finally stopped, wheezing. Cedric wasn't expecting me to stop, so when I did, I stumbled forward a bit. I clutched my stomach, as it had cramped, and the pain was nearly unbearable. The prince gave me a minute to catch my breath, before grabbing me, and pulling me with him again.

By the time we reached the throne room, I had sweated through my dress, my tiara was nearly falling off my head, I was doubled over- panting and wheezing, and my stomach cramp made me want to curl up into a ball in some blankets.

Father, Mother, Venus, Athena, and Charles were all here, and I suddenly felt extremely self conscious. They all looked well dressed and groomed, and I had just showed up, looking like a lowlife. My father was seated on his throne, with Mother sitting on her throne, next to him. The other four people were standing in a line facing the two rulers of Crotis. Cedric and I joined them- I stood next to Charles.

"You are all gathered here today because I there has been a sudden change of plans" Father started. He eyed King Charles, then Venus. Finally, he said, "It has been decided that there will be no wedding this week."

Charles' mouth dropped open. He seems to be in shock, and at a loss for words. He glanced at Venus, who was pointedly staring at a wall, then back at Father. "If I may ask, Sire, why has the wedding been canceled?"

Father's expression did not change. He stared straight ahead, past Charles, past all of us. At first, I thought Father hadn't heard Charles, but then the two kings slowly locked eyes. "I will not have my daughter marrying someone who will treat her like a slave."

"I beg your pardon, sire?" Charles said, looking utterly confused. "I do not plan to treat any of your daughters like I would a slave. Who has been feeding you these lies?"

Mother's eyes immediately looked to Venus, but only for a second before focusing them on Charles. "Answer me this, King Charles, do you think women are capable of ruling?"

Charles seemed to ignore her, and this angered Father. "The queen of this kingdom has just asked you a question, King Charles, and so long as you are under my roof, you shall do well to answer it!"

Charles slowly looked to mother. "Ruling the kingdom is a man's job. Women should not rule, because they do not understand what it means to rule a kingdom. They are merely there to supply the kingdom with princes, and future knights and soldiers. Women never see the face of battle. Women are sensitive, and emotional creatures that can't handle any form of pain. Women need men- however, men do not need women. God created women as a punishment to men. So, milady, no. I do not think Women are capable of ruling."

A lasting silence passed. Mother's eyes had hardened with rage. I didn't know what she wanted to do. I couldn't even imagine what she would do. I only knew that it would be rational, because my mother, Queen Sophia of Crotis, has never, ever, in her entire life, ever, been irrational.

A/N: Thoughts on this chapter? King Charles? He was kind of painful to write. But what do you think Queen Sophia is going to do next? Stay tuned to find out! Remember to vote and comment! Next update next week.

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