34: Charles

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If you remember back, Charles is the king who was supposed to marry Venus. But he was disrespecful to Sophia and was ordered never to set foot in Crotis again. Also, Venus is getting married to Prince Pierre, the prince she met in Varac, where Crotis went because they wanted to form an alliance with them.

"What!" I yelled at my dark-haired, bulky General.

"Princess Venus is getting married to the prince of Varac, and Crotis is allied with them" he replied, calmly.

Venus is getting married. My Venus is getting married to some man I have never heard of. No. I can not let that happen. I will take Venus because she is mine, and nobody else's. "General? I would like for you to kill this prince on their wedding day."

The general looked shocked. "Pardon?"

"You heard me" I spat at him. "Kill this Varian prince at his wedding."

"But... sir! Isn't that a little bit cruel?"

"Do you dare question my motives, general?"

The general opened his mouth- seemingly to argue- but then closed it and stared at his feet. "No sir. Consider it done, your majesty."

A smile crept onto my lips. "Good. You may go, general." The general turned on his heels, and took long strides out of the Map room, visibly clenching his jaws. "Oh, and General?" I waited for him to turn around and acknowledge me, before saying, "If you ever even think to doubt my actions again, I shall see to it that you are hung, as an act of treason." The general nodded curtly and left.

The door to my Map room opened again, and the Bruvian Advisory Council walked in and took their seats. Their leader- Ger- took the chair closest to me. Ger was wearing his ruffle, but I did not understand why. It is highly uncomfortable, and I had even considered outlawing it in my country. Crotis had done so. So had most other kingdoms, now that I thought about it.

"Your highness," Ger started. "I have gotten word that King Patrick has decided to crown Prince Cedric as King of Bruvia."

"Can't you outlaw it?" I asked, lazily. What happens to their government is the least of my problems right now. I had built my empire on my own, through wit and strategy. All I needed from Bruvia is it's army, as it is almost as strong as mine. "Say he's not old enough or something."

Ger uncomfortably cleared his throat. "The people are getting restless, even though, technically, the boy is not old enough to be coronated. They do not like us. They want their rightful Prince to rule them."

I stared at my table, waiting for him to continue, and when he didn't I sighed and lethargically looked up to him. The bald man was evidently waiting for me to give him a solution. Honestly! These people wouldn't last 2 days without my telling them what to do. "Just kill all the heirs then."

Ger and the rest of the council let out a small laugh, but when I kept my face straight, Ger frowned. "You're... you're being serious?"

"I don't have time to waste with jokes" I replied, and bore my eyes into his. "But listen to me: Killing the heirs of Bruvia will not be an easy task. Crotis may not be as powerful as my kingdom, but they are smarter than you lot. So, I will give you assistance- if you can promise me the rule of Bruvia."

Ger gaped at me, then started shaking his head. "Rule of Bruvia? But your highness, that- that- that is not possible-"

"And why not?" I challenged. Ger pursed his lips and looked away. "Is it because that's the only way you can get your money? By cheating your subjects of it? Now, Ger, I know a thing or two about ruling a kingdom, and let me tell you this: To have a powerful kingdom, you need to have loyal subjects. To have loyal subjects, you must make them trust you." Ger still didn't look back at me, so I continued. "If you give me rule of Bruvia, I will see to it that its people have better lives. It is my duty as a ruler to give my subjects the best lives I can."

Ger finally returned his eyes to mine. I could tell he wanted scream at me, and hit me upside my head. I smirked, knowing I had won this time. If Ger refused, then I would know for sure, that all he cares about is money. And for all he knows, I could very well storm Bruvia and take control of the kingdom by force. "You have my word" Ger said, finally.

I leaned back on my chair. "Good. But you are not a man of your word though. So, I will have you sign a charter. In the meantime, I suggest you rob your people as much as you can right now, because after I get Bruvia, you are going out of business.

"Unless there is any other issue to be addressed, we are done here" I said, and the Advisory Council made their way out the door, leaving me alone in the Map room.

A/N: What do you guys think of Charles? He's an interesting character. Vote and Comment!

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