Chapter 7. - Cognition & Behavior

Start from the beginning

I cocked a brow.

"What world do you people live in?!" I sighed, the question rhetorical. I didn't expect the insane burglar man to see the unreasonable behavior he was portraying. "Do you want a drink?" I walked toward the kitchen instead, placing my takeout bag on the counter, while flipping on the light and moving to my wine cabinet.

I felt him move up behind me, his huge frame casting a shadow over that whole corner of my kitchen.

"White or red?" I asked, doing my best to ignore the way my skin started to tingle where he was closest.

"Red." His voice was raspy and low, the word pronounced so sensually, I found my thighs pressing together in response. "Always red."

I reached for the bottle that was on the top shelf, standing on the tip of my toes. I felt Ash step even closer to me, his warm front pressed against my ass. He got the bottle with ease, making me suspect that he didn't actually need to be that close.

I took it from him, and spun around, trying to step out of the little cage he backed me into.

This time, without any heels on, he towered over me. Ash was more than a foot taller than me, and I just about reached his chest, making him seem even more intimidating up close. "I'll knee you where it really counts if you don't back right off, Ash!" I warned, meaning every word.

But he only chuckled. His long body bent, as he placed both hands on the counter on either side of me.

"What makes you think a little firecracker like you could hurt me?" The question was overconfident, like he was completely invincible from us, mere mortals.

I met his eye, keeping contact with him. Intimidation was his technique, and I was never one to back down from a challenge. "I'm very innovative in my ways of torture."

His lips pulled into a lopsided grin. "I don't doubt that." Ash's black eyes lowered to my neck, and came to a rest of my chest. I wasn't wearing anything revealing, just a simple white shirt that covered me almost up to my neck. But the look he gave me made me feel like I was standing in front of him in a racy red bra, made out of the finest lace.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, finally addressing the obvious elephant in the room.

"I wanted to see you."

"You already saw me tonight." I pointed out, recalling that he left about an hour and a half ago from London and Lukas' place. "What are you really doing here?"

Ash furrowed his brows. "We didn't get a chance to talk."

I cocked a brow up at him. "So talk." Then, I shoved at his chest. "And get out of my way so I can get to this wine."

To my surprise, this time, he actually complied.

Ash moved to the side – just enough that I could get by him, but not without touching. I walked over the drawer that had the wine opener, and popped the cork. Producing two glasses, I filled them up, and handed one to him. From the corner of my eye, I saw him swirl it around, then giving it a proper little taste.

So he knew how to drink wine. I didn't know why I found that strangely appealing, but I couldn't deny the warm feeling that spread over me.

I unpacked my takeout, and without inviting him to it, I hopped on a stool and started eating.

Ash thankfully stayed on the other side of the counter, but leaned on both elbows so we could be at eye level. "Talk!" I instructed, when he just continued watching me.

"We didn't get to finish what we started that night."

I sighed. Of course. Straight to the point - the one about him leaving with a heavy case of blue balls. I had to admire his bluntness. Although, his drive to my apartment would be for nothing. "You tricked me into thinking it's your house." I pointed it out.

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