All Twisted Up

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My alarm clock went off making me reach around on my nightstand for it with my head still tucked underneath the pillow. "Shut up!" I snatched it out the wall rolling over on my back looking at the darkness clouding my room. The sound of the rain drops still hit my window and ceiling let me know it rained none stop.

I rolled over in bed on my side enjoying the peace closing my eyes. I've always been a fan of rain, it was so peaceful even when it was loud.

I rubbed my stomach feeling the baby kick making me smile. He was literally due in two weeks and I couldn't believe time flew by the way it did. Just feeling him move around although it was painful sometimes I felt joy. I just knew he was going to look like Rodger. People say when you're mad at your baby's father most of the pregnancy then the baby will look just like him.

I rolled my eyes just thinking about it. As long as he had my good grain of hair we were gonna he just fine. Rodger had that real nigga hair he just trained it well and cut it.

I sat up in the bed swinging my legs as I looked at nothing in particular.

The door cracked making me look over at Ari's little head making me smile. "Come in." I leaned over turning on my lamp so I can see her good. "Girl what's all over your face?" "Daddy took me to ihop." She shrugged wiping her face licking it making me laugh. "Dang, I was sleeping good then." I looked over at the clock and it was ten in the morning.

"Daddy got something for you too, it's downstairs." She swung side to side innocently with a smile on her face. "Oh does he now?" I rolled my eyes saying sarcastically as she grabbed my hand leading me out my bedroom.

"You're gonna like it, he said so." She skipped down the hallway and to the stairs. I looked around for his sneaky ass but he was nowhere to be found. He was trying to earn every cool point in the book but it wasn't impressive. I didn't care about materialistic shit and that's what he failed to realize. You can't buy love, trust, or a wife for that matter.

I looked over in the kitchen at a huge teddy bear, boxes of graham crackers, candy, balloons, and a small box almost making me crack a smile. "Surprise!" They both yelled making me shake my head laughing.

"I got these for you and Carter mommy!" She shoved the baby gummy worms at me making me laugh. "Thank you baby." I kissed her cheek making her blush.

"Aye, give me and your mama a minute." She looked between us both before skipping off happily, that girl knew what Rodger was up to.

"You know I'm not gone stop." He said as I walked around the table eyeing all my snacks. That was always the key to my heart, food so that was a cool point.

"And you still do know this won't work right now." I leaned over on the counter pointing between me and him. He smirked laughing as I opened up a pack of graham crackers, "thanks for the snacks." I mumbled walking off but he turned me around.

"You not gone open up the red box?" I narrowed my eyes between him and the box slowly shaking my head. "Nope cause I'm pretty sure it's the ring I threw at your ass." I smiled sarcastically about to continue my walk but he grabbed me again.

"What's it gonna take to get you back? Hmm? I'm tired of playing these games, I want you back can't you see?" I looked in his eyes and I knew he meant it but his actions had me confused on that note.

"What's it gonna take? It's going to take you being completely honest with me and not hold shit back just because I'm trip about it. Matter of fact you ain't got no business doing anything that will piss me off cause I haven't did you like that. If you got a business idea come to me, not no bitch from Jamaica that you wanna call yourself being with. You're the only one that's been playing these games Rodger, I haven't stepped out on you once. I've thought about it, Lord knows I have but I haven't. And I know you want me back, you've made that obvious already but it's not that simple. You think you can have your cake and eat it too and that's not the case. I want you to work for my love. It ain't gotta be gifts, just show me more than what you got in your pocket."

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