In A Hard Place

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Next Morning

I woke up to an empty bed just the same as last night. Me and Rodger argued until we turned blue and I told him to leave. He tried to make it better but I wasn't feeling it at the moment. He expected us to stay in this hotel room the whole time and that was dead. I was dressed and ready to go getting Ari together, we were going anywhere but here. Witness protection my ass, I was still going to walk around my city like I've been doing.

"You ready baby?" She nodded her head smiling. I locked up the room walking down the hallway. "You think we can see Uncle Allen today?" I smiled because that wasn't a bad idea. "We sure can." I pulled my phone out sending him a quick text letting him know we were stopping by.

"When is daddy coming back?" I opened my mouth getting ready to say some bullshit but the elevator dinged for us to get off. I grabbed her hand walking out the door smiling when the fresh air hit my face. It wasn't too hot and it was pretty windy but we didn't mind. Rodger drove my car here and dropped it off to me for 'work' but he had to know it was going to be used for more.

We got in the car getting fastened in our seats. My phone dinged catching my attention. Allen said it was cool so his house is where we were going.


"Bitch I know I said I like hood but damn." I nodded my head sighing. I just finished telling him what all went down and why we were in a hotel room. Ari was in the next room engaged in the tv so I didn't have to worry about her ease dropping.

"I want normal for us but I know I can't have that. Yeah daddy was in it too but I was too young to understand. The only thing I didn't like was trying to make new friends at new schools." I shook my head already putting it in my head that-that wasn't going to be Ari. "I feel you, but Rodger got y'all man. It may seem wrong but it all plays out for y'all trust me. Don't look at the bad side because the last thing he needs is his woman against him during war." I knew Allen was right but damn am I supposed to support everything even though I don't agree? I sipped my wine.

"I love that man with all my heart and I know he feels the same. It's just-." He stopped me putting his hand up. "That's all that matters baby, fuck anything else after that." He smiled in confidence making me feel a tad better.

"Where the hell is this pizza baby? A bitch is starved?!" Allen said making me laugh. "We ordered that shit twenty minutes ago, be patient. Yo ass stay in the wood remember." He smacked his lips laughing but I was being honest. It was still near city but you'll pass this motherfucker up if you not looking.

My phone started ringing and it was Rodger of course. I looked at the picture of him and Ari contemplating if I should answer. "Answer bitch." Allen stood over me making me jump. "Hello?" I said lowly giving Allen the finger as he walked off. "I seen that."

"I'm just checking in on y'all." I rolled my eyes. "Well it would've been nice if you checked in bed last night." I got out the kitchen going to the living room area. "You know what I got on my hands so why you tripping?" "I have your child here with so many questions about you that's it's making me explode. Don't put it like you're the only one with shit happening."

"Baby I'm trying here but you making it hard. I didn't want to argue with you last night that's why I didn't want to come. I just slept at another hotel. I scoffed. "You ain't want to argue? Nigga what you doing now? You can keep your ugly ass at that room." I hung the phone up so hard I almost thought I put my screen out.

"Girrrrl." Allen came in slowly with three pizzas and the box of wings in his hand. "Did you hear that?" He shook his head sitting the food on the coffee table. "Not all of it but enough to know he's ugly." I chuckled shaking my head making him do the same. "Girl men ..." I sighed as Ari ran in the room with us. "They're going to be men honey so soldier up on their asses and make sure you and yours straight." I nodded my head agreeing to that.

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