Chapter 6. - Honest Deceptions

Start from the beginning

"What about you, Ginger?" Jesse asked, facing me, while he refilled my wine glass. "You still banging that nerd from your lab?"

Sometimes, I wondered how I've ever gotten to this point. I, a lowely student, found myself sitting with two rock legends on a Saturday night, gossiping about hookups in our pajamas.

Life really was strange.

"He's not a nerd, Jesse. Or at least, not more of a nerd than I am!"

"So that's a yes!" Callie chimed in, grinning from ear to ear. "He's hot, I'd totally do him too!" Only then, did I notice her eyes moving over my head, looking at someone behind me.

Fuck a duck.

I felt his gaze now. That strange tingling sensation on the back of my head I discarded as just a buzz from the wine, turned out to be Ash's jet black eyes.

I was dying to turn around and gauge the expression on his face, having overheard what we were just talking about, but I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing mine. So I remained. Still as a statue, staring ahead, while I heard him round the couch, and hop down on the seat on the only empty spot – on the right side of me.

"Evening, everyone." Ash said, in his gravely deep voice.

Lukas, London, Callie, and Jesse all greeted him. I only nodded.

Completely oblivious to the tension between his brother and I, Jesse spoke up, asking about Ash's day, and Lukas chimed in, talking about some new riff he sent over earlier. I kept my gaze on the glass of wine that I held in my hand, avoiding looking at him at all costs. Ash sat far enough that I couldn't feel the heat radiating from his body, but close enough to see his thick, jean clad leg stretched out right next to mine.

This dark pair wasn't ripped like his usual jeans. It was even worse – so form fitting and thin, that I could see the outline of every ridge and muscle on his thigh. It was even more irresistible than the pairs that revealed tidbits of his tan skin underneath.


I wanted to kick myself for thinking that! I've personally known these guys for about a year now. I've met Ash plenty of times, and while we hardly ever spoke – because most conversations turned into nasty fights that made London and Lukas uncomfortable – I've been around him enough that if I had found him attractive, I would've been aware. But up until London's housewarming party, there was not a single part of me that wanted any of him.

I liked the smart, clean cut boys, with a clear future, and ambitious goals. I did not dig on tattooed rock stars, with long dark hair, bears, and nipple rings!

If I had to bottle up my type, Ash was the exact opposite in every single way.

And yet here we were, with me getting turn on by his fucking knee!

Ash Wolfhart went from being this irritable nuisance I had to put up with for my best friend's sake, to an irresistible treat that made me come like a fucking train. And now every time I thought about him, the later part took precedence - my body remembered how he brought it alive.

He was my own personal flavor of danger and excitement, wrapped up in a psychotic rock star package.

I slightly relaxed when Lukas passed him a controller, and the two of them got into playing whatever the hell this game was. Pushing my glasses further up my nose, I re-joined the conversation between my best friends. "The painting sold within like ten minutes. And they didn't even put my name under!" London said excitedly. "I think this new series is going to be great."

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