Chapter 7 "Checking On":

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Clem's POV:
I woke up the next morning with Gabe having his arm around my waist as he still slept. I just looked at his adorkable sleeping face as I couldn't help but smile. But then I begin thinking about last night and found a bed. I know it wasn't anything major but it still played perfectly in my head. I Astley feel bad for rejecting Gabes advances last night. He was just trying to get my mind off of AJ but I wasn't ready for us to have our first time all AJ was hurt. Don't give me wrong I love my dork, I really do. But it's hard to do something like that with the thought of beer so much son in the hospital hunting you in the back of your head. Legacy of warm positivity with a single large cold spot of negativity. Luckily will be able to visit AJ today and check on him. Maybe watch on the shirt of his condition and safety, I think then I'll be ready for it. I really do want us to have our first time and I hope that it is soon.
I woke Gabe up with a kiss on the fore head and his eyes begin to open and he smiled as soon as he saw me. "Good morning, mi amor." He said as he gave me a quick peck on the lips. "Morning dork." I said back rubbing my nose against his repeatedly, giving him Eskimo kisses. "So we should probably get up. We can go see AJ today but I'm not sure if we can bring him back here yet though." He said as we start the Eskimo kisses and just stared into each others eyes. "Well as long as I get to see them, I'll be OK." I said as we then both got out of bed and didn't need to change because we accidentally fell sleep with our normal clothes on. All I really had to put on was my head. He put on his blue jacket with the sleeves cut off as we then left the room and walked outside. As soon as we were out of our house, we saw that Tiffany bitch come over to us well company by a boy also our age. I then reached for Gabe's hand as he was more than willing to except it. "Good morning Gabe. Ugh... And you too, Clem." She said as she sounded pleased to see Gabe but disgusted to see me. "Uh... Hi Tiffany. Who is this?" Gave asked awkwardly as she replied, "Oh well this is my brother, Gareth. I told him all about you and he insisted on meeting you in person himself." She said as Gareth then reached out his hand for Gabe to grab it as he was hesitant, but eventually accepted the hand shake.
Gabe's POV:
"Why hello there, Gabe. It's nice to meet you." Gareth said almost in a sarcastic tone as I replied, "Yeah... Good to meet you too." "Gareth, can you please take Clementine to Ellie's to go check on her boy? I want to have a few words with Gabe." She said looking right at me with flirtatious eyes as clams grip of my hand got tighter. "Is everything OK, Tiff?" He asked his sister and she lovingly side and replied, "Couldn't be better." "Gabe?" Clem asked me concerned. "Baby, I'll handle this. You just go with Gareth to see AJ." I said as she was hesitant but not in and walked off with Gareth to check on AJ. I was about to speak until Tiffany put her body close to me and attempted to kiss me. Luckily I've backed up so that her lips couldn't meet mine. "Hey! What the hell is wrong with you?!" I asked pissed. "Oh come on, Gabe. Don't lie and say you are the least bit interested." She said trying to get close to me again but I just pushed her body away. "It's never going to happen, Tiffany. I'm perfectly happy with the most beautiful woman in the world and I don't need a slutty whore like you." I said with attitude. "Oh! I love you dirty talk, Gabe!" She said is that made me realize that not only is she a slut, but also a little delusional and crazy. "And besides, she isn't the prettiest girl. I am. Just let me have you, Gabriel." She said is I got angrier. "You will never have me, Tiffany! Goodbye!" I explain walking off away from her. "Just you wait Gabe! I always get what I want and soon I'll have you!" She screamed as I just flipped her off and went to the medical building to see Clem and AJ.
I walked in as Clem was outside the waiting room sobbing and covering her eyes while sitting down as I ran to her side instantly. "Clem? Baby, what's wrong?! What happened?!" I asked concerned. "Well you... Will you actually leave me?" She asked as her question caught me off guard. "What?!" I asked both confused and surprised. "Gareth just told me that as we walked in you... We're gonna kiss Tiffany. And that you... We're done with me and I was useless now." She said still crying as I feel bad for her us at Gareth for lying to her. "Clem, she tried to kiss me. And I didn't let her. You are my soulmate. The one and only true I'm just going to love for the rest of my life. Don't let these asshole twins get to you. They are just trying to Terissa part and I won't let that happen." I told her as she took her hands off her eyes and looked at me with her teary yeah beautiful hazel eyes. She then longed her self into me wrapping her arms around me as I hugged her back. "Please don't leave me, Gabe. I love you." She said still crying on my shoulder as her tears got on my shirt. "I love you too, clam. And I'll never leave your side." I said is she like goes me a bit, looked into my eyes for a few seconds before smashing her lips into mine as we kissed with our usual full lip lock and it felt amazing.
"You can come in now." A woman said in the room behind us is clam wiped the tears from her eyes and we walked into see AJ on the hospital bed with stitches on his body. We stood at his bedside as he just then started to wake up. "Clem? Gabe?" He asked with a smile as Clem begin to rub his little afro. "Hey buddy. Feeling better?" I asked him as he nodded slowly and kept his smile. "He grew a bit of a fever from his wounds. So I gave them a bit of ibuprofen before cleaning and staging of his injuries." The woman said her back was turned to us putting away medicine but her voice still sounded oddly familiar. "Thank you for taking care of him, miss...." I asked for her name. "My name is Eleanor. I'm just gla...." She said turning around, looking at us, and recognizing us immediately. "Oh my God! Gabe? Clam?" She asked with smiles on all three of our faces and she came over and hugged us it's so good to see both of you alive and well." She said as I replied, "Right back at you, El." Do you like go of us, noticed us holding hands as soon as she let go, and asked, "So you two are a thing, now? I knew you kids would hit it off." She said is Climbin I smiled at each other and I replied, "Yeah, we really hit it off. Now I can't imagine my life without her." "So AJ. Is he... You know...." She tried to ask. "Oh no! He's not our kid. I mean he kind of is but not our biological one." Client answered her. "So how is he?" Claim then asked her. "Well he's lucky, I'll give him that. None of the bullets hit any major organs and nothing in his body seems to be damaged. However, he still isn't fully recovered so he'll have to stay the night here and you can leave in the morning." She said as we noted, stayed with AJ and Eleanor until the sun began to set as we gave AJ good night kisses and left to go back to our house.


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