Chapter 20 "Interrogation":

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Clem's POV:
By the afternoon, we were almost back at Haven as we didn't know how we were going to tell everyone that we had no help. Gabe especially looked sad and I hate to see him like that. I slowed myself down so I could walk beside him as a put my arm around his waist and he put his around my shoulders. "Hey Gabe. I'm sorry about Conrad. We could've really used his help." I said trying to comfort him. "It's not that. It's just... I was hoping to use this opportunity to patch things up between us. But instead I think I made it worse." He said. I pulled his face over to look at me as I cut his cheek and said, "Gabe, I know it must be hard for you. He was like the only family you had. If anyone else knows how that feels it's me. I've lost so many people and I'm not prepared to lose anyone else. Especially you or AJ. So, screw them! We just need a new plan. We got Sofie and Minnie back when we snuck into Negan's camp. There was only five of us. It should be that easy to us to do it again." "Yeah but now we have five people to rescue. And we did get spotted after all." He said as I chuckled and replied, "Yeah, we kind of did. But we will find another way. I'm sure of it." He then snickered as I gave him a nice gentle kiss on the forehead as we then re-entered Haven.
As we walked in, Louis spotted us and said, "Guys! They're back!" Louis, Violet, Thomas, James, and Minerva ran up to us as Thomas asked, "So... Where is that other group who will help us?" "They... They aren't coming." Gabe said is everyone looked disappointed, especially Thomas. "Great! So I guess were fucked now!" He said sadly. "No. We'll find another way. We just need a location. Speaking of which, did you get a location from Abel?" I asked them. "Not yet. Carter and Ed are still with him trying to make him talk." James said as Gabe replied, "So you left him with the two people who hate him the most?" AJ then looked at him as Gabe corrected himself, "Beside you, AJ." "Yeah, why not? They'd be the most willing to get info out of him." Violet said. "Yeah, if they don't kill him first." Gabe said pushing past them and ran to where Abel was being held. "AJ, come on." I said as we ran after Gabe.
Gabe's POV:
I walked inside to see Ed holding a gun to Ables head as Carter yelled, "WHERE IS MY WIFE?! WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER?! ANSWER ME, ASSHOLE!!" "Wow! Wow! Wow! What are you two doing?!" I asked them as Clem then ran beside me while holding AJ's hand. "Practicing ballet. What the fuck do you think we're doing?!" Carter asked sarcastically while maintaining his angry tone. I took them away from Abel and said, "Look, you two have every right to be upset. I mean I know he cut out your tongue Ed and took your family Carter. But I asked you both to interrogate him. Not fucking kill him. Let Clementine and I talk to him." "Ugh. Fine! But when you guys are done, I want his head on a fucking platter." Carter said as both of them stomped out of the room and anger. "Wow! That was intense." Clem joked as I rolled my eyes and chuckled. We went into Abel's cell as he looked even more messed up than before. "Why hello... Gorgeous." He told Clem as she punched him across the face. "Watch it, douche bag! Tell us where Lily is." She demanded of him. "No. Unlike your little fragile... Puppets out there, I don't have to listen to anything your whore mouth has to say." He said as I then punched him in the face as well and said back, "Talk to my wife that way again, and what I'll do to you will make Carter and Ed look like angels of mercy." "You can act all tough as much... As you want, but we all know you ain't shit." He said back to me as I begin to get angrier and more impatient with him.
His eyes then moved from Me to AJ as he said in a mischievous tone, "Well hiya there, squirt. How's that head of yours?" "Shut up, old man! I... I hate you!" AJ said trying to sound intimidating. "Oh no! I am so scared." Abel said sarcastically before continuing to say, "Your childish threats are nothing to me. If you ask me, these two could do better raising you. Especially this whore." He looked at Clem as I went to raise my fist to punch him again until Clem stopped me and said, "No, it's OK babe. I got it." before punching him across the face herself. "Now, cut the shit and tell us where your campus!" She demanded as Abel replied, "I ain't telling you shit. I'll die before that happens. Just like your friend Lee did after you got him killed. "His word struck Clem hard as she looked shocked with tears in her eyes. "Oh yes. Lilly told me all about him." He said as seeing my wife about to cry drove me over the edge as I grabbed Abel by the jacket and threw him to the wall, petting him against it with force as I struck his face multiple times. "Enough!! Tell us where your group is NOW!! Before I really get upset!" I threatened him as he proceeded to spit blood in my face. That only fueled my rage more as I then threw him back on the bench hard and wiped his blood off my face. "Fine, do you want to play it like that?! OK then. You fucking asked for it." I said is I took out my knife and Clem grabbed my arm trying to stop me. "Gabe, what are you doing?!" She asked sounding worried as to what I was going to do. "Relax hon. I'm not killing him." I said is I ripped my arm out of her grasp and I then told her, "Get AJ out of here. I don't want him to see this." Clem did as I asked as she escorted AJ out and returned to where Abel and I were.
"You can try all you want but I won't spill." Abel boasted as I replied, "So we'll see about that." I then took the knife to his good arm as I begin carving the knife into it until I made a G shape. "Ow!!!! Fuck!" He screamed in pain. "You want to start talking?" I asked as he replied, "Go to hell! You and your slut of a wife." I then saw that he had some sort of branding on his forearm that reminded me of the branding that the new frontier once had. "Oh, is this like your group mark or something? Well you won't be needing that anymore." I said as I begin to slice off the flash that had the symbol on it. He continued to scream in pain as the flash landed onto the floor. Even though I knew this was wrong and honestly worse than what Ed and Carter were doing, I didn't really care at the moment. All I cared about was getting the information out of him. I continued to slice up a good portion of his body as Abel looked even more fucked up. "Tell us where to find the Delta!" Clem yelled out to him. "Fine! OK, I'll talk! I'll talk!" He said is I moved the knife away from his body. "OK, then fucking talk." I said as he replied, "It's 10 miles from here in an old town called Norfolk." "Norfolk? Where the hell is that?" I asked Clementine as she pondered for a minute. "I don't know. But there's a good chance that Jennifer had a map of Virginia. Maybe we look there." She suggested as I said, "Good idea, baby." "OK, I gave you what you want! Just... Please let me go." He begged of us as either kneeled down to his eye level and said, "We never said we were letting you go." Clementine and I then walked out of his cell, shutting the door, and begin to walk out while we heard him yell behind us, "You pieces of shit! I'll make you pay for this!"
We left the building as I then stopped to look at Clem as I said, "Listen baby, I'm sorry I got a little crazy in there. I didn't mean to be so viol.... mmph." My apology was cut off by her pair of smooth soft lips smashing into mine as both of our lips locked. "Are you kidding, Gabe? That was fucking amazing. I don't think I've seen you so ruthless before. It kind of turned me on in fact." She said. "Well that's a bit weird that you got turned on by that, but I'm glad you have pleasured my lady." I flirted as we kissed again and continued walking to Jennifer's old office as we were then approached by Eleanor and Thomas. "So, you get anything from him?" Thomas asked us. "Yes. Their Delta is located in a town called Norfolk. We are going to Jen's office to see if we can find a map." Clem answered him. "Well that's great news. So... What do we do with him now?" Eleanor then asked. "El, I need you to go clean intend to his wounds. I uh... Might have gotten carried away with my interrogation." I told her as she nodded and said, "Sure thing, Gabe." She walked away as Thomas exclaimed, "We're just giving him more medicine and supplies?! What's the point?! It be better off if we just killed him now." "Well since the scavengers refused to help us, we are going to need a bit of leverage. We'll take Abel to the delta as our hostage. I have a feeling that Lilly would like to very much keep him alive." I said as Thomas replied, "That... Actually sounds like a good plan. I'll tell the others." He then ran off as Clem and I then continued to go and find a map that will lead us to Norfolk, the Delta, to Lilly, and to our captured friends.

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