Chapter 33 "Bad Reunion":

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Clem's POV:
It didn't take long for us to return to Haven as Ray somehow knew exactly where to go. "So how do you know where we live exactly?" I asked him. "I rely on my hunches and listen to my gut. My gut is always right." He replied as Louis said, "That's cool. How do you get you got to talk to you?" "You can't just get your get to say something. You just need to wait for it to say something and then listen." He answered as Louis smiled at his answer. "That's like super cool. Like really cool." He said as Ray looked behind him and smiled. "So once we get back to Haven, what does that mean for you exactly?" Violet ask him. "I don't really know. I hope I can stay. That is if your people will let me." He answered. "I'm sure you'll be able to stay. We could use a few extra hands around. Not to mention I'm also half liter so I think I can have a say in it." I said as Ray smiled at me. "I hope so. I'm getting sick of living in these crappy woods alone." He said as we then arrived at Haven's gates.
"Gabe! They're back!" Tenn shouted as the gates begin to open and Gabe's face was the first one that I saw. "Clem!" He exclaimed running up to me, lifting me the air, and spinning me around with me in his arms which forced me to drop the bag. "Gabe, I've only been gone for a couple hours." I said well get going. "Any time away from your feels like an eternity." He flirted as I started to blush for I kissed him and he kissed back. "I love you, dork." I said put in my forehead to his as he replied, "I love you too, baby." "We are fine too, by the way. Thanks for asking." Louis said behind us as he and Violet drop their bags at Gabe's feet as soon as he put me down. "Nice job, guys. Looks like we'll have enough food for us to be eating well for wee...." Gabe said as he then went to look at them before freezing once he saw Ray Ray looked just as shocked. "Gabe?!" Ray said in this belief. "Ray?!" Gabe said even more surprised as it took me a second before I realized something. This must be the rain that Gabe told me about. The Ray that he was friends with in New Richmond before Negan destroyed it. I had reunited these two best friends without even realizing it. Gabe then began to walk towards Ray is expected the two to share a friendly hug. But I got the complete opposite as Ray tried to say, "Dude, I can't believe it's yo...." before Gabe punched him hard right across the face, making Ray stumble back a bit.
I got in between the two holding Gabe back as Ray hold his jaw and said, "Yeah. I probably deserve that." "Probably?! After what you did, you deserve much fucking worse!" Gabe said sounding incredibly angry. "Oh come on, Gabe. That was years ago." Ray tried to defend himself as Gabe replied, "It could have been an eon ago and I still wouldn't hate you any less that I do now." "Wait, I thought you said you two were friends?" I asked Gabe being so confused. "Yeah, we were. Once." Gabe said still giving Ray the death stare as Ray remains surprisingly calm. "You can't honestly hold what happened against me. What do you want me to say? Then I'm sorry? Fine, I'm sorry, OK?!" Ray apologized now sounding upset. "Bullshit. Do you honestly expect me to believe that?! Sorry won't fucking cut it or bring my friends back!" Gabe said sounding even more enraged now. "So does that mean you are going to let me in?" He asked in a cocky attitude. "Let you win?! I should just kill you right now!" Gabe said going for his gun but I stopped him before he could grab it.
"Clem, what the hell are you doing?!" Gave asked sounding mad at me now. "Please don't kill him. Just... Let him in." I said as Gabe looked at me both angry and shocked. "Are you fucking serious club?! Not going to happen!" Healed at me as he turned his attention back to Ray. "Get the hell out of here before I put a bullet in your goddamn scale." He threatened him is Ray got in his face and replied, "Fine! I don't fucking need you always giving me shit anyways! Just like when we were friends!" "That's enough!" I screamed as both of them shut up from my shocking outburst. "Look, even if you two don't like each other, I'm not just going to turn right away. He could die out there and I don't want or need that on my conscience." I said trying to convince Gabe. "Then let him fucking die out there! I'd rather this asshole get eaten by muertos then have him live here." Gabe said still yelling at me. "Well this "asshole" just saved my life out there. If it wasn't for him, I would be dead!" I yelled back as Gabe now looked less angry and more surprised. He turned to Louis and Violet as he asked them, "Is this true? Did he save Clem's life?" "Yes. She was attacked by these two rednecks and Ray saves her from them." Violet answered is Gabe then thought to himself before looking at Ray and saying, "Fine, you can stay. But only because you saved my wife's life. But let me make this clear, I don't want you around me, my wife, or AJ. Do you understand?" "Loud and clear." Ray said pushing past Gabe and following Violet and Louis inside.
Gabe and I returned home is Gabe now seemed more calm but I was still upset by his behavior. "Clem, listen. I'm sor...." He tried to apologize as I cut him off by saying with attitude, "Gabe, we need to talk. Now." "What the Hells wrong with you?! You told me that you two were friends. Best friends even." I said is Gabe and I sat down on the couch. "Yes we were. Until... Until he got my friends killed." He said it's his response made me go from angry to intrigued and sad. "What do you mean he killed your friends?" I asked Tim. "After him and I escaped a new Prescott with Charlie and a few others, the six of us kind of became our own group. It was me, Ray, Charlie, Dawn, Michonne, and Rex. It had been a while since I was around people I could fully trust and call my friends. But when we were nearly out of food, Ray came to me and suggested reading a small town for his food and supplies. A settlement called Alexandria. I refused as the people at Alexandria were nice and didn't mean us any harm. It was a peaceful community as well. Rain I argued about it until... He did it anyways behind my back. We got an a huge fight and I ended up kicking him out of our group. We do have him come back with Negan and slaughter us all until it was just Charlie and I left." He explained as I felt heartbroken. "Oh Gabe. That's... That's horrible." I said is Gabe the turn his body towards me completely and grab both of my shoulders tightly but it didn't hurt. "Listen to me, Clem. Raymond Jones is a dangerous man. So I want you and AJ to stay away from him. Please." He begged me as I then removed his hands and gave him the biggest of hugs. "We will. I promise." I gave him my word as I then also whispered in his ear, "I love you. Gabriel Garcia." "I love you too, Clementine Garcia." He said back as I started to regret letting array in after what Gabe has just told me. He seemed nice at first, but now I'm not entirely sure.

So I have a question for you guys. Would anybody be interested in a prequel to the series? A prequel where we follow Gabe and his journey from New Richmond to the boarding school where he Reunited Clementine? I really want to write it but I want to know if you guys would be interested first. Anyways, I hope you like the chapter and I'll see you all later dudes and dudettes.

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